Come out already, Andy

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A bit gay to think about how other dudes dicks are feeling.

Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women?

I’m guessing his mom wished she’d never had sex

How does anyone read this and think to themselves “fuck yeah, what an alpha, his advice must be great”

Ah, yes, Andrew Tate, the man so insecure in his own masculinity that he must surround himself with women and brag about how much sex he gets, tells us that having sex with women is gay.

It feels good not to be accused of trafficking, dont it feel good not to be associated with traffickinf?

That’s a lot of words for, no women will have sex with me.

Hardcore gay sex isn’t as gay as what that dude wrote.

Bro’s only legacy is going to be as the Romania pedophile guy

Wait does he have kids?

He sounds like a bitter man to me

There is no information about tate having children so yeah the closet statement is pretty accurate

Fellas, is it gay to enjoy sex with women?

He thinks other men look at him and go YEAH. The truth is men look at him and say are you fucking kidding me. Fucking cunt.

Let’s ignore the fact that sex builds connection and intimacy 😅


Andrew Taint, indeed!  

And GenZ males are eating up his rhetoric. The stats on the last US election are depressing.

He’s not gay, he’s just a deeply unhappy dude who would rather see others as unhappy as he is by dragging them down with his advice rather than try to improve himself.

Also, he’s a human traficker so fuck him and I hope he dies alone.

Andrew Tate is 38 with no kids.

He’s telling us that he’s gonna come out in 2 years.

“Hardly any genetic legacy.”

Says the man whose slowly becoming Gollum.

Is this real? Did he really tweet this? It’s got to be fake right?

Is it gay for a man to enjoy having sex with a woman?

It is impossible for something to be, at the same time, a “fact” and “probably”.

Wait. How many kids does he have?

Yall he is a fucking troll. Everything he says is bait.

Folks, we are like almost 2 years past when this dude was any kind of relevant. I get that he is an easy target these days, but that’s literally what he is riding off of. He is basically asking for burns for attention and the only time I’m ever reminded of him is with these types of posts like “Check it out, Andrew Tate got clowned real good on his clearly deluded take hehehe”

TL;DR: Stop giving this dumbass any attention.

Doesn’t this asshole also have no children?

I know this is Bait but isn’t he almost 40 with no kids?

Social media is killing humanity, one dumb fucking train-wreck tweet at a time.

Yah, l think he has it reversed

LMAO damn I can feel the heat of that burn from here!

To be honest I’m not sure if anyone knows what this means?
Maybe a bad acid trip?

This is the same guy with zero kids right?

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