Comedian from our youth that you never thought was funny.

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Larry the Cable Guy

Jeff Dunham

Dennis Leary – No Cure For Cancer. I loved that when a teenager. Then I grew up.

Andy Dick, Tom Green, or Pauly Shore. Annoying AF.

Andy Dick

Carrot Top was never funny

So glad that others find Andrew Dice Clay totally unfunny. He still tours and my friends think that we should go to comedy club to see him, as he is a “legend”. 🤣 Some profanity like Chris Rock works, but it was every other word and made no sense.

Never understood how licking a cow’s utter was comedy gold either from Tom Green. Andy Dick was a weirdo unfunny “comedian” too.

Ellen Degeneres

In the early ’90s, I was a music journalist, so I was on the mailing lists for a bunch of record companies, getting up to a dozen promo tapes/CDs a week. When I gt an ADC one, I tried to listen to it, but it was just so, so, so bad, and offensive in a way that no humor, no merit, no point to make. Pure shock value, and done very poorly. I damn near ran over the tape and mailed it back but I didn’t want to bruise any ties with the record company. I think I had a ceremonial unraveling of it or something.

Decades later, my opinion has not improved.

Rob Schneider was the WORST of that Saturday Night Live cast, and has been riding coattails ever since.

I know it’s comedy nerd sacrilege but Sam Kinison didn’t do it for me.

Rosie O’Donnell and Ellen Degeneres, Sinbad, Jay Leno

Howie Mandel

Not funny in the slightest and I’ve heard he’s a huge dick off camera

How is he still constantly working

The only good thing he did was voice Gizmo

I never cared for Gallagher.

Joe Piscopo

There’s a Star Trek TNG episode where Data explores comedy, and gets the holodeck to show him a comedian considered “the funniest”. For some reason some idiot chose Joe Piscopo to guest star that week. Why I could never figure out.

Dennis Miller

Pauly Shore was so punchable. Nails on a chalkboard level punchable

Never cared much for Andrew “Dice” Clay.

Tim Allen and it’s not even close

I think Dice Clay is a good choice for a cover photo. I never got into his sense of humor. Nothing against strong language, but if that’s all you got then you kinda suck imo.

Jack and Jill went up the hill both with a buck and a quarter….Jill came back down with $2.50!!! OOOOOOOOHHHH!

Ca’t believe no one has mentioned Bill Maher.

Adam Sandler, Roseanne Barr, Pauline Shore, Jackie Mason, Jay Leno, Sinbad, Jeff Dunham, Jeff Foxworthy, Larry Cable Guy, Sam Kinison…

Roseanne Barr

Ooh most of them. I hated this guy, the one who was always screaming… Sam Kinison! Uggh.

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