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Anti-Socialists: “Socialism always fails because it’s a bad system.”

Also Anti-Socialists: *Ignores the many instances of the United States especially but other Capitalist nations as well bombing, invading, and interfering with the economies and governments of Socialist experiments across the Global South because if they allow Socialism to succeed, they would lose access to the labor and resources they exploit throughout the Global South*

Those dirty socialist countries with their free healthcare

Left, right, or anything in between, can we all unite in the fact that people who post one nice photo of a place and one bad photo of a different place and think it makes some sort of point is a fucking idiot?

USSR?!? Who is this ,Henry Kissinger ?

The USSR never had a housing crisis because they actually built housing, even if “ugly”. The US should take note: having “ugly” housing is much preferable to having 800k homeless people.

Don’t do Detroit dirty like that. They have come a long way!

Just going to add this to the ever growing pile of “Bad things about Communism that are actually Capitalism”

Absolute capitalism is insatiable. It will cause immense suffering. The road to absolute capitalism is already causing a lot of harm.

This commie scare bullshit is over a century old. Used by the wealthy and politicians. And it continues to surface because new generations are often like blank slates. A significant portion of them can be programmed.

It doesn’t have to be either/or.

Capitalism can still thrive with strong social securities. I don’t mean social security the old-age fund. I mean nationalized services that create a healthy society. Universal health care, UBI, social services, therapy, and outreach, meaningful education that not only equips people with practical skills but with self knowledge, etc. etc.

I submit that this is fake. No one who puts “libertarian” on their social media profile could admit to being wrong.

“But socialism means ugly appartment building”
“Okay, but is housing affordable ?”
“Yes, but who would live in a ugly building like that ?”
“Bro, most people don’t give a shit, as long as their shelter in secured”.

Ah yes, because cherry-picking one bad photo totally negates all the good things about, you know, not having to choose between food and rent.

“Democrat cities are hellholes!” – Republicans

(Uses pictures of democratic cities in every ad touting America) – Also Republicans

I love how conservative always try and use nations with 1 party dictatorships like Venezuela or the fallen USSR for examples of socialism and never any of the thriving western nations that we more closely resemble.

It’s interesting how people dismiss the benefits of socialism while ignoring the rampant inequality and exploitation in capitalist systems. Sure, socialism has its flaws, but when a significant portion of the population struggles to afford basic necessities, maybe it’s time to reconsider what “success” really looks like.

I swear, if I were in Soviet intelligence in the 80’s, and I saw the USSR crumbling from the inside, I would have a genius idea:

Find a famous actor from California. They could play the role the best and win the presidency over fame. Have him act like Mr Wholesome Grandpa.

Have him convince the US that helping people is evil and why the USSR is failing. Then while he makes people afraid of paychecks, corporate taxes, and healthcare, he has his administration enact some of the BS that made the USSR fail.

Reagan: “We must avoid the slippery slope into the socialism that is causing the USSR to fall apart.”

People with sense: “So you mean excessive executive power against individuals, representation only through industry elites, and atrocities and exploitation of a starving populous?”

Reagan: “It’s the healthcare and not praying enough.”

UK, France, West Germany, Etc: “But we have had universal healthcare for a while now.”

Italy: “Dafuq you mean ‘Praying’. We have the damned Pope and it didn’t save us from shit.”

Reagan: “Damn commies, the lot of you.” Proceeds to give damn near all the power to industry elites and declare open season against workers’ wages.

Reminds me of the guy who asked “What’s more depressing than Soviet architecture?”

And a communist replied “Homelessness”

Funny how capitalists never talk about the Nordic countries and their use of socialism and why they’re the happiest people on earth (wonder why) 😒

(Something bad happens under capitalism) “How do you like your free trial of SOCIALISM?!”

Most educated libertarian.

Also, Russia isn’t a socialist country….they are an oligarchy/dictatorship masquerading as a republic.

Socialism is better than Capitalism. – All college kids around the world since 1890

Funny how people can cherry pick a photo to make their point. I’ve been to Cuba, it looks more like the pic on the right. You take a picture at night with lights on the water and you can make any place look good for a millisecond.


Both suck (capitalism and communism)


Not a comeback

In the UN’s Human Development Index, Cuba is [85th]( in the world (0.764).

You’re objectively better off living in [Detroit, MI]( than you are anywhere in Cuba.

You can cherry pick pictures from any two countries to prove your point, no matter what that point happens to be.

That the old Packard Plant on the right has been abandoned since the 80s and is over 100 years old.

They have been demoing it since they couldn’t get any investment to build it into something else plus its in really bad shape structurally

More like why America is the world capitol of gullible dumbasses


Everything I know about capitalism I learned from Karl Marx.

I’ve seen people try to say that Italy tried and failed to be Socialist after WW2, ignoring the well known fact that the US was directly responsible for that failure and the subsequent suffering it caused

90% of people who upvoted probably couldn’t even afford to live on the left side

Got to love the false dichotomy or straw man argument to prop up a biased idea by OP.

Actually we do participate in a socialist system. Corporate Socialism. The U.S. always bails out companies.

As someone who works with Cubans, I promise Cuba is an absolute fucking shithole.

Yes its so great that the anti-socialists cant even afford to live in the apartments of the first pic!

Lucky getting a shot of Cuba with the lights on.

🤣 🤣 🤣

I was born in soviet union. Were living 6 persons in 1 bedroom apartmen. My wife aslo were born in soviet union. Lived in a garage made of steel.

Socialism is important for pretend capitalism, when it’s obvious it’s kleptocracy

Ask a liberal to describe socialism/communism and watch them describe capitalism.

Well, Cuba hasn’t always been a paradise. It’s a long story, but hardline communism doesn’t work. The way I see it , moderate regulation, government involvements and civically involved public make a society work.

The US encapsulates everything wrong with Capitalism, but everyone who believes Places like Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are better Is an utter fool

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