Company fires 50% of their employees who reported being stressed at work

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“Half of you suggested you could handle more. Enjoy”

The beatings will continue until morale improves

And now the other 50% are stressed because you’re severely understaffed.

Can’t be, surely those surveys are “anonymous”

This was literally a joke in the I.T crowd. Parody has become impossible

As an Indian, every time I see all the American comments about how an OP who’s been wrongfully fired should contact a lawyer as it violates whatever is the rule over there, I’m envious af. There’s none of that shit over here.

Holy shit, the casual nonchalance of this email

This is literally straight out of that one episode of The IT Crowd! Unreal.

“But…you said the survey was anonymous.”


The person who originally shared this leaked email online seem to be an Associate Director at IndiGo, one of India’s biggest airlines. This is unlikely to be just satire, unfortunately

Ah yes, the anonymous survey from your company PC, logged into your company domain on your company network from which nobody knows…

An actual scene from The IT Crowd
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This can’t be real. I feel like this is probably just a “wrongful termination” immediately… No one is *that* stupid.


That’s why you always LIE on a company form… tell them what they want to hear and protect your own interests.

Now the other 50% is stressing.

Only way this makes sense is if the company wasn’t doing well and they wanted only true believers to go down with the ship with them.

Corporate surveys – no matter how employees answer – are intended to:
a. Justify something corporate wants to do
b. shift blame for something to a group of employees are not to blame.

Lol, i told my boss i was “tired and stressed” and he told me “just leave then”. Thats what you get for being loyal for almost 9 years. I did quit and haven’t felt so free since kid on summertime.

Jesus Christ

Review bombing was made for situations like this.

I worked at a Target distribution center once where they would give us surveys like this. They had a question “If another company opened a warehouse across the road with the exact same pay and benefits, would you want to work there instead?”

It would always be 75%+ that said they would switch. One year it was 87% and the plant manager did the same thing. He has a plant meeting where he told us “This is the best job any of you are ever going to have. If you don’t love it and aren’t enthusiastic about helping us reach our goals, leave now and don’t come back.

Most of us didn’t have any better options at the time, but another company did open down the road a few years later and they started with a ton of qualified applicants. It forced Target to install air conditioning (in Georgia where they hadn’t had AC for the last decade).

Sounds made up

India might start taking a page from the US soon and go after their CEOs.

I was recently an employee of another one of those tech companies with similar characteristics.
One day, the CEO was at a meeting with us, all the high ups at the same meeting, he started whining about:

1) how he had to make a decision to move to Silicon Valley for the good of the company.

2) because of that, he had cut off his own “salary” while the new office was being established.

3) was furious about the errors and corrections a few Devs were making

4) wanted us to create a punishment system, where the one responsible for the task with the error would have, perhaps a salary cut of 10% on each error

5) justified saying we had no idea how much money the company lost when an error was found.

I quit days later

Start naming CEO names. It’s the only thing that’s made a difference so far.

This is why I never fill out my company surveys. Never trust them to be anonymous

“Just fire the stressed ones”…. A few moments later…. “Now all of the other employees are stressed.”

As an employer we notice half of our staff don’t actually like or want to work here. So we decided to let them no longer work here.
100% of remaining staff assure us they are now happy with their job…..

You can also leave reviews on Google. Just an FYI …

I feel this is some kind of weird marketing trick. Otherwise, they won’t allow the name of the HR to be so clearly visible *twice.*

I had not heard about this YesMadam company before this at all. Just checked it out. Turns out, it is an at-home luxury salon services startup. The entrenched brand in this domain in India is UrbanCompany. So i guess they wanted to create some splash and hence this marketing trick intended to go viral.

Pretty sure 2-3 days in, after the anger subsides, they will come up with something like, “Feeling stressed sitting at home? Try us!”

They can be stressed at home now

Bruh what 💀

Is this for real? 😮

That will teach you to never be honest at work again.

“Half of you were too stressed, so we freed them and placed their stresses on you. Grats.”

This is the kind of event that can (and probably will) cause a mass exodus of the remaining employees

That’s the reason whenever Indian companies carry out surveys, employees only write good things.

“Anyone else feelin’ stressed?” **glares around the room**

This can’t be real, can it?

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Ahhhh yes, I’ve played Rollercoaster Tycoon as well. Drown all the people complaining about my park tonget 100% approval!

Normally the stuff on this sub is pretty mid but this is actually fucking wild. How did she not puke on her keyboard while typing this??

This is some Darkest Dungeon bullshit logic, wtf

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