Congrats America.

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Didn’t he also rape one of his wives and then bury her under his golf course?

That ones that kill me are the people who act like sex assault is no big deal. I bet they’d have a different opinion if it happened to someone they know.

He said rap1sts should get the death penalty

You really got to admire the long game of misinformation this guy and Musk played to dupe the American people.

They knew no one with an actively functioning brain would ever vote for this maniac and that’s exactly who they targeted with their lies and broken promises and misinformation from the cesspool knows as X. And you guys fell for it hook, line and sinker.

How is this man sitting on the most powerful chair in the country instead of rotting in a jail cell, I will never know.

Anyone who thinks this fraction of a man wont try to ruin the lives of every person who dared prosecute (or warn about, tell the truth about, or just disagree with) this sleazy criminal is kidding themselves.

Remember, he lost an election and was so butt-hurt he basically wiped his nasty ass on our nation’s capitol. They once tried to hide an American warship with John McCain’s name on it because John McCain didn’t like trump and cause Mrs.Musk would pitch a tantrum.

Remember, this is the “president” who tweeted “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” like a little bitch.

Just sayin, someone should keep an eye on that judge cause the most powerful man on earth is a hateful idiot.

‘Just because he’s been found guilty of rape, doesn’t mean he’s a rapist’ ~Every MAGA right now.

so does ABC get their money back now?

Above all else, I simply want the person representing our country to be a good human being…

Always was.

He won’t pay. The money will come from the idiots who donated to him.

So Americans have woted inn an rapist.

I cannot wrap my head around why anyone would vote for a rapist. I am ashamed to be American

I want to believe that life is fair. But then I remember this grubby little troglodyte exists.

George Stephanopoulis needs to clarify on ABC that he may have mis-spoke and correctly label Trump as a convicted sexual assaulter. Then slowly turn to the camera and say “Whether or not that’s rape is up for you, the viewer, to decide.”

5 million about to go missing from the treasury I guess

And yet most Americans would prefer a pathological lying, treasonous, fraudulent rapist over a black woman for thier POTUS. Very odd to everyone else. Is he allowed to to be POTUS with a criminal history like that, or has thet just been forgotten about?

so he’ll pay her 5 of the 15 he got from abc. seems like he came out ahead

77,300,000 Americans: “So?”

President of the United States of Rapemerica.

Got a nice ring to it.

Their favourite rapist.

No previous US president achieved that.

How many countries is he not allowed in due to a felony conviction?

Don’t worry. He’s got maga money to pay for that too.

So, in America rape is a civil matter?

I did believe that I was not qualified to run for President or Congress but the current government bodies that we have in office allowed me to realize how wrong I am. Our politicians are such a joke. In the same fashion as how we Americans buy a lottery ticket, I believe we should be able to put our names in a big hat ( Racist Texas hat) and pull out random people to serve for Congress. They could not do a worse job.

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