Consent is the key

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And context. If you’re wearing a swimsuit, it’s at the beach or the pool where everyone else is similarly dressed

+ like I’m sorry but my bathing suit is in vastly better shape and less revealing than my stupid grubby undies with the period stains and holes😭

“Females like being choked and slapped, but get mad when you hit them” type

If I offered you an apple, you’d probably eat it, if I shoved an apple down your throat, you’d probably try to force it out, why can’t some people just understand the concept of consent?

“I just was at the pool where I spoke to a woman in a bikini and told her she should smile more because she’s *so* beautiful, and nobody cared at all. But when I walk into her bedroom, suddenly I’m ‘trespassing’ and ‘breaking and entering’ and she ‘feels like she’s in danger.’ Smh, bitches be crazy.”

The fuck do they mean, “women’s logic”? Like men’s swim trunks and boxers aren’t the exact same thing???

Left: A 15 year old on stage at the Miss Teen USA pageant.

Right: Donald Trump bursting into the dressing room unannounced while 15 year old are in a state of undress.

Too big of a word.

Also seems like a context situation. They’re clearly different places those would be shot in – one is much more acceptable than the other.

You can apply this in the other direction too and get similar results. Guy in bathing suit at beach V tighty whities in the bedroom.

Declaration of Memes is a racist misogynist so it’s unsurprising consent is foreign to him but DreamLeaf is the orbiter of a streamer who tried grooming a young autistic girl who told her he wanted to SA her – she doesn’t care about context or consent if it comes to defending her favorite male streamer.

> “your kind”

DreamLeaf is in the right, but good lord that’s some femcel energy.

It’s just like tea, smh

it’s called *unde*rwear for a reason, guy.

Incel not understandimg consent example #164829263926

The amount of skin shown is irrelevant.

A bikini is generally something that is “allowed” (by the wearer) to be seen by others. Underwear (generally) is not.

If a woman punch me in the face for looking at her in swimsuit and like it when I look at her in underwear. I would be quite scared

But men are the same? I don’t even understand the alleged double standard.

If I need to change my clothes, I walk into a room where I can be alone, strip down to my underwear, and get into my other clothes.

This is true even if it’s around people I’ve been to the beach with.

Consent, yes. But also just… common sense and context?

I want my freedom and yours.

Source on the chicks?

Unironically showed men’s logic 😭

Where murder?

Also, “shyness” has nothing to do with logic. You just feel it, like fear; you can’t control it.

If somebody can’t tell the difference between those two things, get help. You need genuine help. It isn’t difficult to understand consent

It’s an interesting dynamic but not that hard to figure out. People have their comfort zones. And code-switching is definitely a thing: I had some young nieces (3-6 years) that would come over to grandma’s and immediately start “naked time” – just running around the house starkers. Then when it was time to go home, they’d go stand behind something so no one could see them getting dressed.

I’ve always been confused how people don’t understand the difference between an open invitation and a violation of privacy.

I just saw on another subreddit someone asking about bikinis and underwear, why is this a thing now?

This also completely ignores that not all women are comfortable wearing bikinis. Different people are different. Like imagine a meme that said “Men Logic- (Wearing a jock strap in a gay strip club): perfectly fine, (Wearing boxers in your own bedroom): omg don’t look” as if all men were gay strippers.

Rape culture alive and thriving, for those complaining about “cancel culture”.

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