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Spanish language Whitehouse Page:
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Yeah, he’s gotten everything he wanted out of you. Get ready for the consequences.

To be honest, they more than likely don’t care. MAGA is quite selfish and only worried about if they got theirs.

Too bad, so sad…but hey, at least you also prevented women from getting prenatal medical care

Reaction:But it’s all Bidens fault…. Thoughts and prayers

I know someone who voted for trump and is now a citizen. He thinks he won’t get deported, and I told him that the trump admin is trying to write legislation to strip citizenship from immigrants even if they did it the right way, if you know what I mean. I told him that when he gets put in the deportation van to yell out, “But I’m one of the good ones!” and see how that works out for him.

Ar this point, I have zero fucks to give for anyone who voted for trump.

When YOU get deported despite being documented.

You also voted for that.

As if it’ll only be the undocumented. ICE is already grabbing citizens.

But, but, but, I was sure that it wouldn’t hit me and my family & friends, if I voted for him.

The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.

“But I thought they were only going to deport the Venezuelans!”

And yes someone actually said that shit

Yup – it stuns me how easily Latinos, Muslims and black men were manipulated into voting for the person who is dedicated to either deporting them, bombing them or keeping them 2nd class citizens.

Undocumented? How about when your legal family members get accosted and arrested? When they get detained for weeks? When they get “accidentally” deported?

Much like the anti-trans sentiment hurts any cis woman they consider “too masculine”, this isn’t going to just hurt undocumented immigrants and their families.

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“Why are the Democrats allowing this to happen to us!” -R Voters

Don’t think it’s just undocumented people. There will be not only legal immigrants, but legal citizens that get caught up and detained.

But he’s only deporting criminals!



Oh, shit.

But mah eggs!!!

FAFO, immigration edition

When they get deported even if they’re documented they should remember that’s what they voted for

They already grabbed a US combat veteran. Failed the skin color test. This is gonna get bad.

Every time I get I get called a fake Mexican because I can’t speak Spanish and my grandmother tried so hard to keep us far away from her roots… I tell people she learned from Operation Wetback, Reefer Madness and the Zoot Suit Riots.

How do you say “The leopards are eating my face!” in Spanish?

They don’t give one single solitary shit about anyone but themselves. You’re sadly mistaken if you think deporting their grandparents will make them feel any regret whatsoever.

Yeah! Serves them right, the freeloading pieces of shit!

They should have had the sense and forethought to be *born* here like I was! Suck it losers.

Passport? Nope, don’t got one. Eh? Green Card? Don’t need it, born here. Birthday certificate? Oh, mom has that in her…. um….

Oh shit.

I’m well past the point of giving a shit about what happens to any groups of people affected by Trumps policies that supported this. It’s my responsibility to do my civic duty and vote, engage in political discourse when opportunities come up.

It’s not my responsibility to feel sorry for these people as the leopards eat their faces. For the people that didn’t vote for this, I’m sorry what your friends and family did to you, but an overwhelming majority of people, including the non voters, gave Donald Trump permission to do this, so this is what America wants.

For the people that did vote for this and feel the negative impacts, fuck them. I hope it hurts, they deserve everything they get. Maybe people will actually learn something from this.

A lot of legal Latinos look down on illegal Latinos.

Headline in a few weeks: “Why didn’t Democrats do more to stop this?”

Additionally, legal brown people better get ready to being stopped and questioned and asked to show your documentation, that’ll be fun, won’t it? proud to be an American right

It’s the democrats fault, why wouldn’t they protect us against this outage!

At least there’s concepts of a plan to eggs being cheaper.

When they “accidentally” deport you…

We are being dismantled by our foreign enemies through our own ignorance by electing a man who is probably at this moment selling American security to the highest bidder. Everything he wants to accomplish will divide us to a point of instability and possible rebellion. His constant shock and awe is probably designed to distract us from a more sinister plan. One that will ultimately reduce us and knock us down a peg as a stable democracy.

We could possibly be fighting a more expansive war in the Eastern parts of Europe against Russia, Iran, North Korea and even China. In search to control more resources and trade routes and fertile land.

These could be the plans in works that will stabilize aggressive powers for the next coming decades. Could it possibly be a plan to reduce world population?

The ice is melting, the trees are on fire and the water is chin high. The time is now to position oneself in the wake of what lies ahead.

The only defense at our disposal as a democracy is to be informed of the facts and vote. Everyone MUST vote.

We will need to fight back. We will need to reconnect with those MAGA family members that feel they made a mistake and convince them to tell others of a “pending disaster”.

80 million sat out this election
We must have a plan to take back congress in the midterm and try to slant both houses into a super majority in favor of our cause.

If we stay divided we will lose.

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My racist uncle referred to Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and even Italians as “2 shades lighter.” (He’s dead, and I cut him out in the 80s.)

Same with all these people from the Mid-East in Michigan. Make it make sense.

FAFO bitches

It’s not just going to be undocumented. They are going to end up “mistakenly” deporting a lot of citizens and non-citizen legal residents.

“ but….but….but….we only voted for the *bad ones* to get deported!”

Citizens or not, I think it just be our obligation to call INS and give them their names…

After all, if it’s not gonna be as bad as we say it is. Then you won’t be inconvenienced getting caught up in it.

If you have any Trump supporting neighbor with foreign accents, report them to INS. German, Polish, Portuguese, and Italian let it make no difference to you, just like it makes no difference to them. I’m sure MAGA plastic patriots will pull up those boot straps and be just fine.

But at least they didn’t vote for a woman!

And when documented people start to be treated as undocumented (because “why the fuck not, what are going to do, wetback, sue me?”) it’s going to get even worse.

I have a a hispanic coworker who I talked with after the election. Like how could hispanic men overwhelmingly vote for him. He explained in more words…”hispanic culture is pretty misogynistic, most men would never vote for a woman.”

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