Conservatism is just figuring out why the thing you destroyed existed in the first place

By totpot
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They go through life with an astonishing lack of awareness.

I am not disagreeing but libraries have more value to communities than just a place for books. Free internet and numerous programs to help with interests from birding to taxes. All for free or nearly so.

Oh snap! Ken Herman is *the* Captain Obvious?!

Seriously though, if he wasn’t being sarcastic, how in the flying fuck did this *genius* win a Pulitzer?

This was hilarious, thanks OP for quality posting

im not a math wizard, could someone run the numbers on whether more money would be saved buying books for everyone who wants them vs. buying less books for said people to share?

on a more serious note what gets me most about this is that this isn’t even something a conservative would actually view as a solution, it’s just a shit nothing take.

Conservatives: why should it matter if people can’t afford the books? 

Give the books to a single person instead of a place where everyone can share several hundred thousand books. It is also very is easy to send to whichever location you want.

Amazing. What a genius.

You just can’t make this shit up!

Libraries are so much more than places to borrow books.

Defunding libraries has nothing to do with taxes or saving money.

It has everything to do with controlling what people read.

It’s called the MAGA waltz. Start an argument just to come back around and then take credit.

This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Woke Mind Virus accusations were actually confessions.

Dolly just got defunded, too.

The reason to destroy libraries is the same as the reason Conservatives have waged a bitter, and extremely successful, campaign against education. The more educated a person is, the less likely they are to vote republican.

Sure. Republicans don’t want to give poor kids free lunch at school but they’ll buy them books.

It is astonishing how conservatives, when freed from dogmatic and ideological constraints, seemingly reinvent left wing ideas. It is only when they are told they aren’t allowed to mistreat others for no good reason do they decide that no one can have anything and we need to make things worse and harder.

Conservatives are in a perpetual state of tearing down Chesterton’s fences

But then ppl have access to the knowledge and won’t vote for them.

But…. how? Just, how?

Tech bros invented trains about 5 times in the last decade. So..

People who call themselves conservatives actually have no idea what it means. They really don’t and they know they do not, they just think it’s something they need to be.

Classic Elon/Republican/consipracy theorist thinking being done by Ken. It’s not that they hate libraries, vaccines, etc. it’s that they can’t wrap their head around it and they need to work through from beginning to end, even at the detriment of everyone around them. They always inevitably come back to the very same conclusion but then pretend it was their idea all along.

ie: Twitter

I say this often about roads to libertarians.

Obviously one person shouldn’t build a road themselves since many could use in an area; everyone in their area/neighborhood should. They should pool their money and hire someone who knows how to build roads, and then pick someone to oversee the road construction to their standards.

Whoops you just invented *government*.

This guy needs to read about a guy named Ben Franklin. He might learn about him for free at a library.

The first step before book bans

“Destroy the ED, FEMA, etc and just give the money to the states!”

How the actual fuck do you think it already works?

Unfortunately with the ongoing crypto worship we’re going to have to invent money again.  That might hurt a bit. 

I don’t think it’s at all mean, rude, disingenuous, incorrect to say that conservatives are, to a man, the **dumbest motherfuckers to ever steal oxygen.**

These people are beyond stupid. We need to invent a new word for them. Jesus fucking Christ. I hesitate to even classify them as homo sapien. 

As soon as the entire world treats them the way they deserve the better. 

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