Conservatives, would you stop bastardizing words!

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Zach just defined q and maga pretty well.

“Woke” as in “woke up” and recognized the institutional bigotry and misogyny that exists in our law enforcement, justice, healthcare, and immigration systems?

Awful, just awful. MAGA! Let’s regress! /s

What a constant disappointment Chuck turned out to be.

Underdog just hit them with the perfect combo of history lesson and mic drop. Conservatives twisting words to suit their agenda is the real culture war 🙄.

Zak taking the Kevin Sorbo approach to fame…

ANTIFA = people who don’t like fascism.

WOKE = people not asleep that there is racism and inequity.

Now there is a bit of human resources type stuff going on, but that’s mostly the media and corporations trying to keep the workers harmonized. And the CW has a lot of extra non-binary stuff going on so,… yeah. That’s annoying.

Might as well capitulate to fascism.


Harold and his purple cry on

Things black or disenfranchised people created as a means to gain some awareness on social and political issues that wealthy white people have fucked up…


Black Lives Matter


Taking a knee

Raising a fist

Burning your bra

“Right On”

“We Shall Overcome”

etc. etc.

Bastardizing words is the entire point. Frank Luntz is the Chief Word-Bastardizer, he straight up admits it in interviews. Anytime you hear a new word or phrase pouring out of the conservative political/media sewer system, 99% chance it came from Frank Luntz.

Don’t be ridiculous. You know they can’t engage in any argument or debate until they’ve created their trusty straw-man!

Remember when they were using “social justice warriors” as a pejorative? I still can’t think of anything more admirable to aspire to being.

Chuck – likable doofus

Zach – arrogantly ignorant buffoon

Oh Zachary, how fair you’ve fallen

It’s so weird. Zachary Levi seemed so normal for so long before showing his true face. It’s fucking bizarre. I’m disgusted that he was ever Shazam. The Wizard would *not* find Levi worthy.

“Any ideology that sacrifices logic” says the man that believes the Bible is literally true lol.

So, talking snakes and bushes, zombie Jesus, Red Sea parts conveniently for a stroll, 2 people eat an apple so we’re all fucked for eternity unless we constantly kiss Sky Daddy’s ass.

Yeah, no hypocrisy there, Chuck.

Woke = Anything conservatives are instructed to hate and fear.

it’s weird that the Trump worshiping racists all claim logic and wisdom as their guiding attributes.

It’s one of their pseudonyms for expressing their racism

Well, to me “Conservative” means Cunt.

Words are funny that way.

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A timeline on the word Woke. For those who DONT think the MAGAs twisted this word around.

White people stealing from black culture? I’m shocked, shocked I say

I asked a ranting family member what woke meant, acting like I had never heard it before, and their answer was “It means all liberalism, anything liberal”. That’s modern propaganda, take any word or term used by the other side and use it to mean anything and everything they represent and reinforce that it is bad.

It appears offers dried up for Zachary Levi after Shazam 2 and his weird bad crayon movie flopped, and now he’s stooped to chucking himself on the rightwing grifter market in a desperate cry for attention and money.

I guess with him being a man he stands a better chance of succeeding in this misogynistic field than Gina Carano did when she made the unforced error of this strategy. But I don’t think anyone in that camp is particularly happy with where their careers are at.

lol Gina Carano was in stuff like Deadpool and Star Wars. What a bozo.

On behalf of professors everywhere, we thank you. Words have histories and meanings and language only functions if we can at least halfway agree on what the symbols represent. Any time I hear one of these eejits use “woke” in any of its bastardized forms I want to ask them what they think it means. I love that this one just straight leads with “To me….”

Zak fell off hard. He had a good run.

Zachary Levi can take a long walk off a short pier, like his career.

The right wing made “woke” more popular than black culture ever could. Everything they didn’t like was woke. Drive-thru taking to long? Woke people. Stub your toe? Woke furniture. Too cold in here? Woke thermostat.

The definition of woke is “anything that I don’t like” for conservatives.

…so conservatism is woke, Zach?

I’m old enough to remember my fellow white liberals using this word to describe what felt like people “waking up” to the plights of the underprivileged and oppressed and the hope was that folks would “stay woke” so we could finally see some positive generational change. This is just retconning

Woke is everything I don’t like in the world, from immigrants and trans people to Brussel sprouts and the Dodgers. /s

Woke to me is oh that’s shitty to do to someone I woke up from my dumbassery to notice it. Woke to them is I doNT waNT No chANge WaYS

MAGA is woke, Zach?


By his own silly definition, Zachary is “woke.”

The only thing he got right was the “To me” part.

Zach Levi sucks as an actor. Why would we be surprised he sucks as a person too?

I would like modern liberals to actually be liberal.

This is the reason this guy isn’t getting work now. He’s thrown his career into the trash can to be a hateful bigot.

SO disappointed to find out that Chuck turned out to be a raging racist magat.

Fuck you, Zachary – go pound sand with Kevin Sorbo.

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