Consider this, libtards

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Am I watching the richest man in the world have a public mental breakdown?

what a fragile little man.

Guys. As much as I hate this POS. This tweet is fake

Is he really saying this shit??

The things I’ve seen posted from his twitter account in the last three weeks have been so fucking wild, from the utterly stupid (as seen here) to the “omg just get a megaphone and scream I hate Americans already” that I keep thinking the accounts *must* be satire.

Like how- how does anyone read this and not think “Oh this man thinks Americans are all uniquely, impossibly stupid”.

It’s a good thing he’s a billionaire, even if nobody ever did anything to harm him I don’t think he would survive this world without enough resources to support several small countries, honestly.

He really does just need that much just to fuck up this often and still get by.

Loving yourself is fine but this indicates that he so disgusted with himself he needs to create an alternate identity to prop up what he knows are despicable takes on reality. Loving yourself would involve using your main account to make the comments.

Mentally healthy people don’t make extra accounts on social media to kiss their own ass.

People like him are so weird and sad.

The internet equivalent of falling on your ass and saying, “I meant to do that.”

And if by “left” he means “healthy people and parents of any political persuasion” then …sure?

Shitposting while both stoned AND drunk. Regular people would get permanently banned by Reddit admins for much less. 

The left means it’s ok to masturbate. What you’re doing is disgusting.

Checkmate Elon, you got me

He is probably the person in this entire world that would benefit the most from just taking a month off of social media.

And this guy is your president? It must be so cringe putting up with this baby.

Pathetic twerp

This is fake (I’m not on his side but he never posted this)

I love that any amount of self reflection a reactionary like Elon Musk has always ends with “the issue isn’t me, it’s the rest of the world”… Or more specifically “the issue isn’t me, but let’s say there was an issue here, then the issue would be the left”

Is… is this a real tweet? This man just keeps getting more and more pathetic.

Isn’t this guy mid 50s? Why’s he acting like a heartbroken teenager?

Is this satire or for real?

Man loves himself so much, his evil villian lair probably has dozens of huge paintings – of himself.

Even the man’s own kids hate him.

I don’t have Twitter but surely this post HAS to be fake

Watching the richest man in the world use an alt to suck himself off like a reddit mod.

I thought I was on r/TOTALLYREALTWEETS for a second

That’s some schizo shiet right there.

I used to want whatever he was taking/snorting/smoking…

Not anymore.

How to spot someone who hasn’t had a wank in a long, long time 101

This has to be too dumb to be real

And this is how you dunk on all your haters…. From the wrong side of the court

Well I guess since no one else likes you, you can have some imaginary friends.

What a fuckin loser

Well that’s sort of an Asperger’s take on things.

Did he just admit to using sock puppets to flatter his ego?

Why are wealthy CEO’s trying to alienate a whole group of potential customers. Too rich to care? 🤔

it’s like he’s trying to alienate absolutely everyone at the moment. obviously he alienated the left already, he’s currently stripping people of the free speech on his platform that he was claiming to be the savior of, so he’s alienated people who care about free speech, and over the last few days, he’s been alienated all the people on the right that he’s been trying to get on side for the last couple of years.

I think he’s politically nothing, he’s just an attention seeker and it doesn’t matter whether the attention is good or bad as long as he gets it.

Moron. It’s embarrassing to hale from the same universe.

I recognize this brand of humor in other people I know with asperges… and 13 year old edgelords

Oof, Leon. Try not to lose more hair over it.

So he created a fake account to attack “the left” for finding this odd? Too F’d up for me. 🤯

Why do we have the douchiest villains in this country?

Creating an alternate account to prop yourself isn’t “loving yourself”, it’s usually done for attention seeking reasons. Like you want to gain more traction on your posts, or you want to make it seem like more people like you then actually do.

This is the weirdest, most pathetic attempt at misdirection I’ve ever seen. He and Donald truly deserve each other.

I can’t believe these people are the ones in power.

Masterful gambit

All that money and he still can’t buy genuine love and respect…

I hate that I can’t tell what is real anymore.

He seriously has a broken brain. And that people consider this level of psychotic activity a sign of being a genius is genuinely scary

How many people are in there?

There’s a difference between loving yourself and straight nonstop Jerkin’ yourself off because your ego has no refractory period, Elon.

Like a live PSA on the dangers of ketamine abuse.

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