Cooking Together Is A Form of Intimacy

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What I’ve found easiest when ‘co-cooking’ is that ONE of you can be boss. If you are both trying to run the process, friction is going to result.

Nah just give a good degree of separation. One person does the chopping for instance

get out of my kitchen. NOW!

Thats cool for you. I’m not tempering custard alone, though. Someone must pour.

My husband and I do not work well in the kitchen together at all even after 30 years together. He’s a kitchen manager and is used to giving orders and having them followed and I don’t believe in using measurements so we butt heads in the kitchen.

“Excuse me” and “Where did you put the…” are terms of endearment

I’m not even much of a cook, I don’t enjoy cooking, I still don’t want anyone else in my fucking kitchen while I’m doing it lol. Don’t touch the fry pan. Dont touch the boiling water. Definitely don’t fucking touch the seasonings.

You can chop stuff if youwant, but do it before I turn the stove on.

If cooking together is intimate, does that mean professional kitchens are orgies?

I mean, y’all can have fun cooking everything alone and suffering, me personally, I’m not trying to stand around for 2 hours and make my back hurt so I love cooking with my wife

Yes please either cook for me or get the fuck outta here

I love cooking with other people as long as we know who’s doing what. What I HATE is if the wires get crossed.

Option A: You sit there and talk at me.

Option B: You’re actively part of what we’re doing in a way that helps both of us.

Either works. Either is amazing. Just know what you wanna do and stick with it.

The real intimacy is in doing the dishes when someone cooks for you

Gotta know when to lead and when to follow, I ran multiple kitchens and I liked to rotate “leading” with all my cooks because I felt it was important to know both sides. Let the younger cooks drown a lil to feel the pressure but give them a safety release valve then take over when it started to affect service. It was fun seeing the younger guys come into their own. I miss cooking.

Nah tbh one of the main reasons I even want a partner is to help in the kitchen. It’s so nice cooking but only having to do half the work and it takes half the time.

So long as one person is in control of what’s getting done. There’s only room for one creative vision.

I do, as long as you aren’t more distracted with getting railed than making sure the chicken doesn’t burn.

My wife can’t cook for shit. She’s really good at standing in front of cupboards I need or deciding to wash the pots 13 seconds before I need to drain a pan though

It can work as long as one person is calling the shots.

I sit at a nearby counter and either do prep work or just chat for moral support. But I stay the hell out of the way.

Cooking meth alone is boring AF, and extra finger prints are always handy.

Oh, I disagree. If you’ve ever worked rush hour in a kitchen, you would know it’s *very* intimate.

The smell of ballsweat.
The poetic words of my Sous Chef, describing what he’s going to do to my mother.
The Roundsman curled up against the reach-in, sobbing.

Very intimate experience.

My wife makes a fucking mess and piles shit high in the sink, I clean things while I cook and never have a full sink.

Bake together; don’t cook together.

That mild sub/dom relationship that form between people cooking at home 👀

Idk man it’s a pretty good way to develop chemistry

Absolutely, sharing a meal you both cooked is special.

My problem is the right person is not the one trying to cook in the kitchen with me.

only way this works for me and my bf is if he’s set up for prep at the dining table and I’m cooking at the stove

My wife likes it, I hate it

Not unless they can follow directions without arguing about it

I love cooking. I always cook with my friends and partners.

I love it when my partner comes to sous chef for me. He also does the dishes.

And our kitchen is *tiny*.



What about baking? My mom and I love baking together.

both are right

Cooking together is fun if you know how to communicate the tasks

My mate is an excellent cook and I’m an excellent helper who knows my place, but she just cannot have any single thing happen in her kitchen that isn’t ultimately from her own hand exactly as it MUST be done. So I don’t help and she doesn’t mind and I eat great but OP is 100% correct.

Cooking together isn’t easy, but if you can cook together in harmony you know your relationship is strong

Only if you love cooking, I guess. As I hate cooking, I appreciate any helping hand speeding up the process.

Cooking for other people is my go-to love language but if you step in my kitchen while I’m cooking prepare for battle.

Depends entirely, if im cooking something that needs two people then its better to be two people, but if im cooking something i can easily and sometimes more efficiently do alone, then leave the kitchen.

As someone who’s cooked forever at this point, if you understand how to communicate and clearly define tasks and rolls, you just get some music going and it’s a pretty good time. Honestly.

I love cooking with other people, as long as they do what I tell them and don’t fuck it up.  No Mom, that’s not how you julienne a fucking onion.  If I wanted a mix of diced, chopped, and minced, I’d have asked the food processor to do it.  At least it doesn’t give me sass.

Seems like poor labour management. What’s the point of being in a couple of you still both have to cook?

Not while preparing for a big event. But one on one cooking a small meal is fine, even romantic!

If you have a big kitchen, why not? As long as we do separate jobs.

Yeah it’s everybody out when I’m cooking

My wife and I “cook” together. If she’s cooking I ask if she needs anything. “Yeah, chop those veggies.” Done. If I’m cooking she asks if I need anything. “Yeah, chop those veggies.” Done.

We treat eachother like line cooks when we’re the head chef. If I’m cooking, I’m the boss. If she’s cooking, she’s the boss.

When she is the head chef and I think she’s cutting a bell pepper weird… no words chef.

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