Cool guy tho

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Comic Magneto makes more sense as a character. It took anti-mutant people literally murdering his non-mutant wife and child to get to the point of “genocide is the only answer”, and he sees it that way because non-mutants have made it a fight for mutant survival.

Mods can we ban **[deleted]** ?

He is spaming “Comment removed by moderator” a lot.

Let’s watch what comments say: [deleted]

Inspired by a real life event?

“Never again” (to us).

They tried to kill him and his friend by blowing up an entire island, when he was trying to help government.

Later, killed most of them.

They killed his wife and child when he was working as a simple factory worker.

They made mutant killer robots.

They manufactured “cure”, that was suppose to be given “willing recipients” via gun

Sent military in a school of literal children(mutants)

Still, having trouble understanding why he wanted to do it then watch ‘Logan’, you will see what happened after he died (supposedly).

Fake: He was in holocaust but looks 30

Gay: he fucked his best friend

Yeah cool but where is fake gay analysis?


I mean…Israel

reminds me of something similar

Mossad enters the chat…

Space juice

Reminds me of a book called Mauz. It’s written by the son of a Holocaust survivor and describes how his father, despite all the suffering he endured under the Germans, was an utter piece of shit who was just as racist to others as the Germans were to Jews


Reminds me of something I heard on the news recently

Idk man go ask Israel they the ones doing it

“No u”

Hey….where did i see this recently? Oh, yeah, Is…

this reminds me of

for the sake of my life,i should not continue this further

wait..i have seen this before…


Ask Israel, maybe they have the answer as they are in a similar situation


How to be based

Do ut des

“I learned it from watching you!”

I still want a Magneto: Nazi Hunter movie after that scene in first class

>pic unrelated

>be Israeli


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