Corporations have no business buying residential property

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H-E-B in Texas has become notorious for this. Their real estate practices are predatory.

Many mutual funds and retirement funds are investing in Real Estate to generate revenue. Check your mutual funds and retirement funds. Divest now!

No: Residential single family
Yes: Residential multi family above a duplex

I agree for Single Family Properties, but I do think there is a place for medium to large apartment buildings. There is a need for short- and medium-term housing and renting from a professional company has always been more convenient and less stressful than renting from a private owner.

I also think that this will never happen due to mortgages.

Neither should retirement investment companies. 20% of all Aussie houses are owned by superannuation funds. It’s one of the reasons housing is no longer affordable.

Id go further and say that a person is not allowed to buy more than one residential property.

Unfortunately they have too much power.. monopoly over our lives.

My neighbor just sold their house. It’s just a really small run down house in a suburban area but it’s in a very high cost of living area. They had one family offer 1.3, but they turned that down because they said it wasn’t enough. The real estate company had other people come in but no one offered enough money, so the real estate company ended up buying it for 1.3 and is currently gutting and flipping it. I’m furious that my neighbors sold it to the real estate company for the same amount of money that an actual family would have paid, but also that houses are already so ridiculously expensive and the real estate company’s concern was that 1.3 million for a two bedroom one and a half bath isn’t enough money.

(This is much less of a big problem, but I’m also annoyed that the construction on the house is a seven day a week event that starts at 6:30 every morning despite the fact that legally construction can start at 8:00 on weekdays and 9:00 on weekends.)

The one thing I agree with Charlie Kirk on.

And nimbys should not be allowed to artificially limit housing


I promise you. We could ban corporations buying single family homes *tommorow* and house prices will still be skyrocketing.

**Housing cannot be affordable and an appreciating asset at the same time**

If your house price goes up, then the price of housing goes up everywhere at the same time. If housing gets cheaper, so does your house.

The key factor is every single American thinks the only possible way that real property can be owned by working class people is in the form of a huge 1200+ sqft deed restricted single family home in a suburban neighborhood.

Our zoning laws have made so many real estate products illegal and others are only known as “income producing properties” that are only availible as rentals like duplexes and multiplexes

There’s so many housing types we can build. There’s so many different types of neighborhoods. There’s so many different types of shelter.

I promise you until our land use laws change dramatically, nothing will stop housing from being to expensive – Corporations or not.

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Hey, it was your Supreme Court that said corporations had all the rights of an individual.

My family farm is a corporation. There are three generations of houses on it.

They shouldnโ€™t even OWN single-family homes. Those need to be seized immediately.

Forget it. This is Trumpโ€™s era.

Corporations are people too has evolved into Corporations are more a person than you!

They are doing that in LA now buying bunch of land recently affected by the fire. They outbidding everyone.

My company has offices in a small handful of countries and headquarters in Connetticut. They own a mansion near HQ with individual keyed rooms for when people need to stay somewhere on business to HQ, rather than rooming everyone up in a hotel. I feel this is a fair and reasonable case for a corporation to own a residential property.

But when owning and leasing the property is the company’s business model? Yeah nah.

Corporations owning residential property isn’t the reason housing is unaffordable. It’s unaffordable because there’s not enough housing where people need it due to single family zoning. You could enact the policy and absolutely nothing would change.

Bring back the land tax.

Owner- occupied rates and ordinances would help.

What is a corporation? A legal financial structure for a group of people.

So you’re saying my sister and I can’t have a legal financial structure to share our parents home?

REIT should be outlawed.

How has the post been removed when itโ€™s still posted?

Only one way to deal with it ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

I don’t see people protesting on the streets to make this happen. I only see memes.

Just another thing that will be allowed and normalized, like how the definition of medical necessity has been removed from the hands of our doctors

Their is actually a benefit to this. However in most places it’s gone too far and simply barring corporations won’t help they just put it under the names of individuals.

What we need is primary residence zoning. Any residential property in such a zone must be owned by someone who has it as their primary residence. If they move out or inherent it and don’t move into it, it must be sold.

Thatโ€™s one of Musks goals under Trump. We thought buying a home was hard now..

Too bad our representatives are too busy taking credit for everyone elses work than to actually govern imbalances like that

Half my block is bought by suburban individuals and rented. The houses are quite neglected

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