Cost of a double lung transplant- USA 2023

By poulw
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“Your discounts”

Did you have a coupon?

A discount of 710k is so funny. Mf brought a coupon

It’s funny that they make you pay 600 of the 200,000 like it’s some kind of symbolic thing

$618 really doesnt seem that bad for a double lung transplant

Did you get a discount for ordering two?

$600 seems like a bargain

I didn’t even know double lung transplant was possible

Open box item. May show signs of normal wear.

Made you pay $618.77 to teach a lesson and not run around getting lung transplants every other year.

Next time no discount

More importantly, how are you since the surgery? Are you doing okay?

honestly that seems pretty good comparatively

As someone who has developed software for the medical industry for the past decade, I can say that the “charges” are nowhere near what is actually paid in the end.

Hospitals dramatically overcharge on procedures to then settle for a much lower amount from insurance and the patient. Every dollar they couldn’t collect is then written off as a “loss” to lower their taxable income.

There are many hospitals I’ve worked with that paid little to no taxes each year because of how they game the system.

I had a total hip transplant and only paid $250 out of pocket.

Yknow, after my own surgery (which was not nearly this expensive lol) I was due to pay $400, but I let it hang cuz I’m a broke student. I then had to submit my records to see if I could get extra funding bc of medical expenses (extra broke lol) and imagine my fn shock that the insurance suddenly paid the $400 🥴🥴needless to say, didn’t qualify for extra funding bc I suddenly didn’t have that bill looming, how ironic

“When the insurance company finds a pair of lungs on Facebook marketplace vs. Buying new from store” /s

Hope your ok and wishing you a speedy recovery

What groupon did you use to save $900,000?

In Australia you never see these numbers

Shit, my root canals cost more than that

Good on you for posting this and not the initial IB for outrage bait like most do.

So you paid $618 out of pocket for a double lung replacement? Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Recover well! Thoughts to the individual who donated the lungs!

as someone without insurance i would have just died

A double lung transplant sounds pretty wild…

All I have seen in the media is that healthcare is really really expensive in USA but if you only have to pay 600 out of 200k…I think its pretty cheap. Could someone please elaborate this bill?…genuilnely asking

My father had one but never made it out of ICU . Spent 9 months in there before he died. His bills are multi- multi- multi millions.

Damn that’s crazy. I paid more out of pocket for my ORIF surgery to repair my broken foot.

As someone from the UK. Here’s what I don’t understand (yes I know about the expensive insulin) but I always see people complaining about the cost of healthcare in the US and then I regularly see posts like this, where there is a huge bill and then a “what you pay” section.

$600 doesn’t seem that expensive for this kind of treatment. And my understanding is also that the level of treatment is far better than that in the UK (like we can literally be on waiting lists for years for pretty simple procedures due to the backlog) or have insane waiting times for just accident and emergency issues. I almost lost my thumb waiting 12 hours in A&E for triage to tell me I needed plastic surgery. And then waiting two days for the surgery because they were booked up.

My questions I guess is;
– if you don’t have money and require life-saving treatment, do you just not get it?
– is insurance really that expensive people can’t afford it?

For example, in the UK we have pretty high income taxes, 20% to 40% between £12,750 (when you start being taxed) and £50,271 (when you hit the 40% (we also have 45% when you earn over £125,140)) and then we have a national insurance on top too (which is even more complicated but an example if you earn 45k a year. You pay £6,000 NI) and these deductions pay for your “free healthcare” in the UK.

The median average income in the UK is also only £29k and some change which is a take home of £24k and some change after taxes and NI.

So like, are Americans really not earning enough to cover those insurances and Hospital fees? Apologies for any confusion or babbling on my behalf. I just can’t fathom the issue in my head. Better hospitals and care for some only insurance which also most employers offer?… it doesn’t make sense to me. I’d much rather have less taxes and pay insurance for better care than my current situation. Especially for higher earners in the UK.

Show me the downvote ratio on this lol.

People will be mad that you are alive.

I’m breathless.

A million dollars?! And somehow people still stand by that and call european Healthcare “communism”

Fucking insane. Props to anthem for actually paying for your medical needs. Especially one this expensive.

I’m a little flabbergasted myself because they had me covered on an $8k stay, told me all the good things, this is covered, etc. and then *changed their minds,* instead forwarding the bill to me. Then again, that was pre-Luigi.

You really got a deal on those lungs

Do you tip on the “What you pay” amount or the whole amount? 😅

your discount? was it a BOGO (Buy one Get One free) or 1/2 off the second lung?

Replied this in a previous comment, but if you saw the process of transplanting an organ you would understand that these numbers make sense

Let alone a lung transplant which is particularly difficult.
With time and research costs are expected to decrease. Decades ago it used to cost close to this to transplant a kidney, now it is a much cheaper endeavor

Damn I needed two blood packs due to severe iron deficiency and it costs 32000 without and still 6000 with. Love insurance. What a fair and well deigned system.

Hey friend – just wanted to say congrats on the double lung transplant. A close relative went through the same thing here and they’re now over 10 years post transplant. I think it’s been about 12 now. Experiencing a little bit of rejection, but meds and quarterly checkups are keeping things in check.

No need to share, but just curious where the procedure was done.

What a breath of fresh air to see that…

How much did insurance cost ? What do you pay a month ?

I’m not holding up the line wirh a coupon, Nancy!! But it’s $700000 off, Fred!!

That’s about how much my son’s liver transplant cost. I was looking at the breakdown and the meds, lab tests, and icu bed were the biggest factors.

That’s cheaper than my colonoscopy. Wild

This is probably the cost in most of the West but it’s hidden in social medicine and in lower absolute tax revenue.

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