Costco CEO sleeping good tonight

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The “Costco hotdogs are STILL $1.50” and the “eat the rich” crowds might just be on the same side of history.

We’re 2 CEO’s away from Jim…and really he was more than a CEO. Was a founder.

Arizona iced tea guy?

And so he deserves the sleep of a 1,000 angles. The man sells whole cooked chickens and delicious hot dogs at a financial loss.

Don’t forget about the Arizona Iced Tea guy he gets a hard pass

Isn’t the current ceo feuding with the unions right now?

I was a vendor to Costco for several years. I got to tour the new building at corp in Issaquah a few weeks before everyone moved in. There is a little food court, then a door outside to an eating area, then the executive offices. I could see the CEO sitting at a 6 foot folding table working away through his window. Those people at Costco corporate are the nicest people I’ve ever worked with.

He’d sleep even better if he negotiated in good faith with the union and brought the pizza/soda deal back. I can live without the pizza/soda deal.

Can’t wait to Costco to enter the health insurance market.

Hot Dog and soda $1.50

Arizona Iced Tea guy is cool too.

The Arizona CEO is safe too! $1 for lifee!!

Goodnight Costco CEO. We love you 🥰

Costco hot dog quality has gone down significantly over the last decade, and many times. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Those skills include glizzy testing. That hot dog has been cost cut to “choice” cow trimmings, head, feet, liver. I have noticed 3 reductions in flavor and texture. I am at the point of never eating another Costco hot dog ever again. So, yea he said, do not raise price, but did he say, do not cut costs…..?

The Arizona Ice Tea CEO is also sleeping well.

What about the Arizona Ice Tea dude? .99 cents end of discussion.

I recall listening to an interview where one of the CEOs of Aldi (I forget which one) cited statistics about Aldi shoppers.

Basically all working/lower-middle class who have to be price conscious and he said that you should never try to rip off that demographic.

I guess the point is not all CEOs are evil.

Yea but he never said anything about not cutting costs

I wish they would raise the quality and price

Dont forget the Arizona ceo. 99 juice forever.

Arizona Tea CEO

If someone shot the CEO of Costco, even in the middle of nowhere, they’d be found in a couple hours MAX.

Him and the Arizona Tea CEO are safe

Tim Apple technically cant be found, so he’s probably pretty safe as well.

Sleeping well**

Too bad he’s long gone

[Ray Anderson]( is up there too.

damn straight

Nah, the Arizona tea people are good too I think

Nasty this is a conversation


Arizona Tea CEO should be on that short list for the same reason, but not for hot dogs.

I think Ben and Jerry ice cream should be safe as well.

How tf do they sell a whole roasted chicken for 5 doallrs

Ben and Jerry’s too

His a CEO, last could of days have proven theres people out there who definetly want him and anyone in his position gone just for that job tittle.

And he only makes $300,000 a year.

Isn’t Costco a consumer cooperative?

P.S I’m not American

Probably the Arizona tea guy, as well.

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