Could I get in trouble for buying and wearing this t-shirt?

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freedom of speech.

Probably not legal trouble but I would be concerned about a picture potentially existing if I wore it- potential employers do google searches.

The government can’t do anything to you for wearing this as you have freedom of speech. Any private individual or establishment can refuse service to you if they wish.


For right now, there is still free speech, so no, you wouldn’t get in trouble

Freedom of expression is covered under the 1st amendment

If they don’t like it they can go to another country.

no but societal consequences are a maybe lol

So I have to ask, because I’ve seen questions like this pop up every now and then recently. I’m assuming you live in the US, as this happened in the US.

What makes you think this could be illegal? How often do you see people “getting in trouble” for what’s on their T-Shirt?

This falls well within the protection of the First Amendment. This could certainly be interpreted as endorsing violence, but endorsing violence isn’t a crime. For speech to fall outside the protection of the First Amendment, it has to be intended to cause imminent violence and be likely to cause such violence. It would be pretty absurd to argue that by wearing this shirt you intend to cause people who see it to immediately murder an insurance company CEO, and even if that were your intent, you’d pretty obviously fail to do so even if you wore it out in public every day.

As an aside, I can’t believe this is available for purchase so soon, holy shit we really live in a culture of instant gratification.

People wear shirts with hate slogans and swastikas every day. Why would this be the thing that get someone in trouble?

Yeah your middle school will probably make you turn it inside out or change.

Police now say the shell casings said Deny, Delay, Depose. Not Defend

You should get in legal trouble for saying ‘mayhaps’ that is the most taboo word you could possibly say.

No legal trouble. But definitely be put on a list somewhere

Where are you wearing the shirt? In a public space in the USA is generally fine. However some schools may take issue if you’re a student. Private spaces may refuse for you to be there if they don’t like it.

In the United States, it is legal and falls under the 1st Amendment.

However, if you ever become a person of interest in a future shooting, the fact that you have that shirt could be used to show motive and that it was pre-meditated.

That is to say, you are free to wear that shirt. It could cause you problems, however.

You can wear it in public. Taking that shirt to private space like a business you will likely be kicked out. This goes for any shirt that is deemed too edgy.

Legally? No you won’t get trouble but you might get some side eyes as you walk around wearing it

walking around, doing your own thing…probably not. Wearing it at work and visibly could likely get you written up or fired for ‘controversy’ or ‘glorifying violence’ or any other number of terms they want.

Why is this even a question. Furthermore if you’re worried about it then this shirt isn’t for you lol

No… but since billionaires own the government I’d be worried of getting on a watchlist or something

Dude people go around with swastika tattoos

I thought U.S.A. is a free country! Wear what u want. Eat what u want. Say what u want😬

Probably the same type of consequences for wearing a “Fuck The Police” T-Shirt.

Legally allowed, but inviting attention.

Which is probably your intention, but still

I assume your in the US. Don’t think for a minute your employer wouldn’t fire you at will if they found out. You have the freedom in the US to say, wear almost anything and be free of criminal prosecution. You have 0 “rights” to your job in the US unless you are fired for being part of a protected class.

Legal trouble no, but you’re not protected from trouble at work, school, or public harassment.

If that’s what you’re worried about, you should probably not buy it because you’re missing the point.

Legal trouble? No.

Employer trouble? Most likely.

Beaten up or harassed by people who find this tasteless trouble? VERY likely.

But do as you wish. Freedom of speech does not equate to freedom from consequences.

Personally, I find such shirts to be a desperate cry for attention via shock value.

trouble as in arrested and put in jail no.

trouble as in. social, “financial” consequences for backlash of someone finding the shirt in bad taste. —possible.

how vulnerable are you in life to losing a job over a t-shirt you might wear on your own time. are you a public figure/public face of any brand/company. if you’re just some regular every day asshole. who’s job doens’t give a single fuck about you. and don’t wear this shirt to any company event/place your boss or hr might see it. you’re probably fine

What do you mean trouble? I mean people might say something negative, but it’s not illegal. But be aware, even people who laugh at a meme might feel some sort of way about someone who actually spent money and time on a t-shirt.

Say you support domestic terrorism without saying you support domestic terrorism

Maybe, maybe not. But if you worked for me and wore it into work I would fire you immediately. Yes, there is freedom of speech, there is also employment at will.

First amendment: Freedom of speech and expression. You will absolutely NOT get in legal trouble, but you can possibly be kicked out of a building. (But unlikely)

Absolutely! For example, someone could get mad and fight you, or your mom might find it distasteful and ground you, or your school might say that you are not in dress code. Would you be committing a crime? Not unless those interactions go completely sideways, and then it won’t be the shirt’s fault.

Shit where can I get one

What is the shadow? Cant figure it out

Nope. Leastwise not legal trouble.

Get into trouble with whom?

Why would you? It’s not illegal

Depends where you live and where you wear it. More information would help answer better

Absolutely not

1st amendment brother god bless 🇺🇸

I am dumb, can someone explai the form of the shadow to me?

Is it a hanging rope or something else?

I want one.

You’re wearing the quiet thoughts out loud….

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