Couldn’t Be Any Conflict

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To the surprise of no one.

deny, defend, recuse

I’m expecting them to somehow get all executives on that jury pool.

Gotta make sure they get their W since they set it up so blatantly. Seeing as we plebs should know our place. / #innocentuntilprovenguilty – biggest joke in the world.

It doesn’t matter. They’re making an example of him so it keeps the masses in line.

is this true?

Is the guy’s name really “Boguslaw” because that’s too on the nose

Some Law Abiding Citizen shit is gonna happen to these people.

Ken Klippenstein once again coming in clutch. One of the last white-knuckle journalists on the planet. I wouldn’t be surprised if some rich bastard, right now this very moment, is hiring a gaggle of goonsquad PR firms to start a massive smear campaign against the dude.

I feel sorry for Dan Boguslaw.

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Shouldn’t the judge be replaced for someone who isn’t so close to the case?

Still needs to get past a jury

Can’t find a jury, can’t find a judge, might as well let him go. *insert shrug meme here*

Interested to know if that stock is just sitting in their retirement account or actively managed and traded. Lots of people own stock “including pharma and healthcare” via index funds/etf’s/mutual funds.

It’s not a conflict under the canons. It’s a different company.

It’s also only the magistrate judge so the MJ will only address non-dispositive preliminary matters in a felony. The significant issues will be decided and the case will be tried before the federal district judge.

Plot twist, Judge was short selling UHC.

So a magistrate judge will handle pretrial matters but would not handle the trial. That will be before a District Court judge.

I already smell an appeal incoming. No way this judge should get to sit on this case.

No doubt cause for recusal.

And I’m sure Agnifilo will make that argument …
And I’m sure that it will be just hand-waved away …

Hey … Wake up…

Billionaire Judge wants your sympathy

NGL I had forgotten about Ken Klippenstein and this case is making me think I need to start using him as the name In pencil on ballots or something

author being named Boguslaw is appropriate lol

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