countries that are socially acceptable to dislike

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inaccurate map. last time i checked there aren’t giant letters floating in the pacific

I was gonna type โ€œI hate Estoniaโ€ as a joke but honestly I couldnโ€™t even do it. Would feel like punching a puppy

You forgot India, the Middle East, Israel

The only thing that makes this a circlejerk post is the inclusion of Canada.

If you’re Nordic, it’s acceptable to hate Sweden.

India and Israel?

And the rest of the middle east.

no india ? people shit on india & indians on the daily & no one bats an eye

Fuck the upper part of Latin America I got mugged there.

How are Saudi Arabia and Israel not on here? Poland?

Not including Belgium (which isnโ€™t a real country) was a critical blunder. Also India is on this list

Surprised that India is not there

I would like to add India. Seems to be the most widespread accepted racism against their country as a whole

I am very patriotic russian, but sometimes i wish i wasnt one.


and Israel ofc

Fuck Norway

It is not socially acceptable to hate Canada.

90% of the middle east too



I unironically hate the nation of Palau

No Israel? No Iran? Who’s POV is this supposed to be, anyway? Where is it “OK” to hate both USA and Canada? In the US, I think it’s WAY more socially acceptable to hate the US than it is to hate Canada.

Canada is up here but not India, Israel or any Middle Eastern countries???

Turkey, Serbia, Israel, Iran?

Why france though?

Where’s Israel?

Add germany, we did fuck up that one time

Incorrect, add Bulgaria

Add in Serbia

I feel like it comes free with being born in any country to just hate the immediate neighbours for any reason

The person who made this map hates half of New Zealand

I fucking love that England is on here but not the other countries in the UK.

This map is so low effort it’s offensive.

All the powerful countries with significant influence, figures. Also Id add Israel, Serbia, Germany, and id make it the entire uk not just England, it was the BRITISH empire after all.

Japan, Italy and Germany : “did they forgot ?
– seems so, shut up”

France england and the us for the memes ofcourse, but there are so many more countries who actually deserve to be hated


this is 100% accurate

I hate Australia because of what they’re doing to friendlyjordies. They are just as rotten to the core as any other countries, mixed in with kangaroos, emus, and venomous spiders and snakes.

The netherlands


No Germany or Japan? Belgium or Spain? Only England? OP must get their history lessons from Tik Tok.

Why is England in here

Not socially acceptable to hate China when yu are in China

Maybe work on yourselves?

southern hemisphere superiority

Can I just ask why Israel is not shaded in red? I know it would just be a speck but you could still make it out on this map. Also, is it social acceptable to dislike Egypt (Israel’s biggest supporter), or is that Islamophobic?

add Hungary

Missing an Argentina there.

You forgot Belgium, it’s better off being split by it’s civilized neighbors and France.

I would add Israel but I guess it depends of the region of the world (I donโ€™t care about the situation donโ€™t downvote me or get me started I just try to be factual), would also probably add Iran and Afghanistan

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