Court drawing of Luigi Mangione making him look like he’s 55

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With the Fantastic 4 in the background?!

Looks like Paulie Walnuts without wings.

Peter Gallagher and his eyebrows will finally be held accountable for his crimes.

This is more of an injustice than the murder imo.

Thanks for pushing this guy and his pseudomedicine, *Oprah*.

They flattened his cheeks and enlarged his nose and widened his chin. I don’t approve.

Those bastards, either draw him hot or not at all. The goddamned audacity.

It’s just an art piece from a sketch artist. I’ve found that most courtroom sketches barely look like their subjects. 

Why do they draw this? Why don’t they just take a picture?

Court artists have a tough job, it’s more about capturing moments than perfect likeness. Drawing from life is already difficult compared to from photo (where it is still as well as flattened for you), plus it’s easy to accidentally make people look super old by adding too much detail, tbh. 

Katie Holmes looks dejected the young skinny Quentin tarantino can’t get his film cast and I have no idea what the KFC looking Bernie Sanders is thinking ..

They made him look like Al Pacino.

Or Quentin Tarantino…ish?

If the sketch don’t fit you must acquit.

Look how they massacred our boy.


If you think the courtroom sketch artist is in on a conspiracy too, it’s time to log off of Reddit for a while.

Court sketches aren’t supposed to be detailed accurate.

McNulty from the wire

First time seeing a court drawing?

Is it just me or does that look like Pauly Walnuts?


That Barry Manilow’s been up to no good again

Neil Diamond, is that you?

What kinda likeness is that?! Fuckin’ fodder for cartoonists now.

I think everyone just looks really damn old in court drawings. In general

The same courtroom artist does all the big NYC trials and she is my enemy. Nobody escapes her courtroom illustrated normally. Look it up

That’s Dr. Oz

Look how they massacred my boy

Also makes the cops in the background look like satan worshippers

I genuinely don’t understand the point of court drawings like these. Like do they work for the court? Why do we need a drawing? Or is it a regular person just drawing..

Court sketch artists’ job is making middle aged to old men look good and bad guys look bad

That old man didn’t do shit!

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