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But one day he might be a CEO and then he needs to protect his profits so we can’t change anything

Also amazing the suspect kept everything needed on him to charge. It’s honestly hard to comprehend any justifiable logic to this.

The $60,000 reward might cover the cost of premiums and the deductibles for a year once Trump takes another stab at repealing the ACA.

Just a reminder that McDonald’s can absolutely pay their employees better pay with benefits and still have profits

And the rat continue to can’t afford healthcare because they contacted the police immediately, not the bounty provider (edit: crimestoppers). So the rat didn’t get the bounty lmao.

Asslickers got what they deserve: nothing.

The fact that his name is Luigi Mangione and was snitched on by a Mcdonald’s employee is so funny to me, as “Mangione” in Italian means “person who eats a lot”. As a Luigi myself, I can’t help but giggle every time I read this news.

Snitches can’t get stiches if they’re using United.


Lack of class consciouseness

Wild that in a rich country there is No Public health Care.

The fact that their own company was willing to offer a substantially larger rewards already speaks… Billions about them before and after.

It‘s even crazier that after the killing of a health insurance company’s CEO not one single person in the US gets better or cheaper healthcare. Heck, the US even voted for someone who will make it worse.

Who wants to bet he will be fired to not attract unwanted attention to the place?

Realistically, this could’ve been a young kid just freaking out because they saw someone on the news.

Can’t afford the deductible for the stitches he will be requiring.

Turning in people is above my pay grade

Robert Sapolsky on “The Biology of Humans at our Best and Worst”

Exactly . And explains why the $50,000 reward caused them to report it rather than protect him.

Literally! What an idiot.

Which might be why the sum of money offered for clues was a huge deal to him.

sounds like a ‘shithole country’


That’s what you call “working for the man” 😂👍

so much for class consciousness

Some sources say that it was an elderly man at the McDonalds, not a worker

What are they gonna do? Luigi’ll die soon anyways due to cancer and they cant unkill the ceo

Snitches cant get stitches

There is literally no world in which this mangiogne guy was 1. Working alone, and 2. Not setup to take the fall. Only 2 kinds of people shoot people in broad daylight: those who intend to face the consequences because they believe they did a righteous thing and those who never intend to step into the light. Whoever shot thompson literally had an entire exit strategy, and successfully evaded detection and scrutiny on his way to and from the crimescene. You think someone that prepared got caught lacking in a macdonalds?

He might get employee of the month if he is lucky.

He needed the $10k to pay for healthcare

Well, then they have nothing to complain about!

they also heard last week “it you put pickles on my mcchicken i will fucking murder you”

Probably some kid who thought 10k was a shitload of money

So what you’re saying is snitches cant even afford to get stitches?

If they are not in need of health care right now, people can be pretty future blind (and the health companies know this)

One stupid motherfucker

You think murdering a CEO would make healthcare cheaper? How?

They aren’t even autonomous decision makers, they work for boards of directors. Even if they’re scared into compliance with whatever thing you want, they’d just get fired and replaced with a more expensive CEO who would do what the board wanted.

The circle is complete.

It comes as no surprise, as there are people driving around and snitching on their neighbors for not shutting down the motor at the traffic light.

According to the nyt his manifesto “notes that as UnitedHealthcare’s market capitalization has grown, American life expectancy has not.” and that he did it because these companies “continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allowed them to get away with it.”

Dude low key makes a lot of sense

Man the discourse around this guy is wild. People celebrating a murderer.

I might have snitched too. The average person doesn’t know this guy’s motives. They just know he killed someone. The fact that so many people are okay with the idea of someone just killing someone and getting away with it is disturbing. Personally, I don’t want to live in the world where murderers roam free.

Imagine the amount of undocumented people at that McDs who now will apply for a U- Visa and get a green card bc they helped… wild. It might take 10 years, but they can’t get deported 🤷🏻‍♀️

it was a client 

I bet it was the menager

Who’s the rat?

Nothing is verified yet.
Not to mention that this guy most likely is either faking being the killer for the attention or is just a scape goat

So, because they can’t afford healthcare, they shouldn’t report a wanted killer?

The McDonald’s employee did the right thing. Even if they agreed the healthcare system is flawed, that doesn’t justify letting a murderer walk free.

The man was armed and clearly dangerous. Who’s to say he wouldn’t target someone else next—possibly not even in the healthcare industry?

Failing to report him would have been both irresponsible and reckless.

Wild that a rich kid who went to a $40,000/year private school, graduated from an Ivy League university and worked for a company that helps car dealerships sell overpriced cars online was angry at capitalism and corporations but got caught on his laptop at the largest chain restaurant in the world that generated over $8 billion in net profits last year and is known for its low pay and poor employee benefits.

it’s almost like it’s illegal to murder or something…

It was probably the owner who called him in because he was organising a union.

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