Cute Games – Gator Days

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Back in our day, Gustopher, you often had to finish a game in one sitting. We had to play the game over and over and get better at it. And boy, did they not pull punches. Tutorials? What are those?

We call it Nintendo Hard these days.

The final boss is Satan.

Kirby is that you?

The child is not surprised the game has you fight Satan but the fact that you can’t save lol

Zelda 2 ptsd intensifies

And don’t forget that Satan is just as cute as the hampster. Like a sweet little Gerbil or Ferret.

Also, there is a 50/50 shot that your best friend character is metaphorically dead at the end or you save them and have tea time beating Satan.

Haha, I had a copy of pokemon gold for Gameboy advance that you couldn’t save (it’d corrupt). So my siblings and I would plug it in at night with the menu pulled up

The funny part about a lot of these games is that by the time you were finally good enough, weeks or months later, they take under an hour

Contra and Super C are a half hour, if that

I love how pleased Mewbert is in the box.

You either lived long enough to finish the game or you kept the console running overnight and prayed your parents didn’t switch it off while you slept

“Son, this game is from an era of games that you aren’t supposed to beat. You’re supposed to just have fun as long as you can.”

Again and again, you make great comics!

That’s some Kirby stuff.


REAL gamers play in the morning before school, then pause the game, leave the console on, turn the tv off, and PRAY their parents don’t turn off the system before getting back from school.

Sleep is for babies!

Battletoads was hard as fuck, I don’t wanna go back to those days lmao (fun game though)

I wonder how he’d react to the final boss of earthbound?

If you wanted to get back to where you died you had to write down a 10 digit code that was almost impossible to put down before the screen timed out

Sounds like “Hamtaro 8: *Friends and/or Sacrifices*”

For some reason the flash game i wanna be the guy popped up.

In hard mode ,vigilance
In ranking , victory
In gaming , sacrifice

~a gamer somewhere, at some point ~

just enter a password

My god, that game for me was Curly Monkey, as it was on a $20 heldheld with preloaded games, and it had no ability to save.

this half-reminds me of pony island

The first game I got for the NES, aside from Mario which came with it, was Double Dragon 3. That game is stupid difficult. You get, like 1 or maybe 3 lives to make it through the entire game. You can unlock two more characters (a kung-fu dude and a ninja) by beating them along the way so you get to use them if your main character dies. Then you get to the final boss who flies and shoots magic fireballs at you. I never could beat her. I’m not even sure if you can. I felt so vindicated when AVGN played it and had the same problems that I did.

Love it

Game saves is a kindness, that we of the older home console gaming generation weren’t always as fortunate to have. But on the bright side, we could keep playing it over and over, not having the responsibilities of an adult, and being able to move past tossing all our pocket money into impossibly difficult arcade machines.

Imagine trying to play the games now. Who’d have the time? There’s work and taxes to be done.

Beat comic on Reddit rn

I know dozens of games meet the description but I’m getting flashbacks to Bubble Bobble.

Photorealistic satan final boss but Gus isn’t scared in the slightest, his father on the other hand…

If it’s a Fromsoft game, the fans will do mental gymnastics about how saving actually makes the game easier

A the fates haver mercy on your soul if the batteries were running low.

cute -> satan.
oh wow a jrpg you can’t save in?


Oh yeah, hope you like that title screen, kid. You’re gonna see it a lot

Pause and pray 🙏

Wise words from gamer dad.

Just wait until you tell dad about the remake.
It has this whole 4th wall breaking thing, where Satan has a second phase where you fight on your desktop.

This reminds me a bit of a meme I saw about JRPGs

“level 1: kill 5 rats to get a stick”
“level 99: kill god”

This definitely could be Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers for the NES. That game was infuriating as a child.

Back when dying would send you ALLLL the way back to the beginning. There were no save points. There was no starting only about 3 or 5 minutes ago.

You lost, you go all the way back to the start of that level. Or the start of the GAME.

Losing a life was PAINFUL back then.

Ninja Gaiden 1-3

Ghosts n Goblins flash backs

This reminds me how I tried to finish a Pokémon before battery run out. The save feature was broken. It was a bit disheartening to see how the game graphic started slowly fading away as battery was dying and turned into blank screen.

The longest run I reached was electric gym.

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