D.B. Cooper’s infamous parachute may have just been found, breaking open the 50-year-old cold case

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>The 50-year-old cold case of D.B. Cooper may have seen a new development after an amateur sleuth claims to have found the parachute used by the infamous, yet still unidentified plane hijacker.

>YouTuber Dan Gryder said that he found a modified device matching the one used in the 1971 hijacking on a property in North Carolina, and has handed it over to the FBI.

>Gryder, who has been looking into the case “off and on” for almost 20 years, said in a video series about his investigation that the rig was “literally one in a billion.” “This is the rig he used… we just solved it,” he says.

>Gryder found what he claims is Cooper’s parachute on a property owned by the family of the late Richard McCoy Jr – one of the men considered by the FBI to be a “serious suspect” in the case.

>McCoy staged a near identical hijacking in April 1972, after boarding a flight in Denver, Colorado, and demanding four parachutes and $500,000 while brandishing a weapon. He later also bailed out of the aircraft

>McCoy was killed two years later in a shootout with FBI agents after he escaped from federal prison. Investigators have pointed out that his photo bears a striking resemblance to a sketch made of D.B. Cooper.

[Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/db-cooper-cold-case-evidence-b2654125.html )

Yeahhh idk about all that lol. Poorly written article? Check. YouTuber/social media influencer involvement? Check. Laughable law enforcement/irl photo comparison? Check.

Until the FBI releases real information, file this in the wank off section.

While it’s completely plausible that this guy is Cooper, he was an avid skydiver and did a nearly identical hijacking a year after Cooper. So he’d have that equipment anyway.

Gryder is such a muppet. “This is the rig he used, we just solved it” – no, no you didn’t dumbass.

*”Bush-league YouTuber looks for his next grift”*.

McCoy is not Cooper. All stewardesses, who interacted with Cooper A LOT, specifically say that McCoy is not Cooper. Same for the guy who sold him the ticket.

This is just another random YouTuber trying to make it big.

Dan Gryder has a fairly bad track record with the truth.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s not the parachute

I mean… They both have faces

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The parachute is still pretty much intact after so long.

Lol, so the guy hauled a used parachute from Washington state to North Carolina? I’m gonna call bullshit right now.

I have seen him in prison break, he dead /s

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Great Epsisode for more details on McCoy

Dan Gryder is conspiracy theorist.

we really got DB Cooper before GTA 6

The guy on the left picture, looks like the actual db cooper drawing, hanging cheeks, the nose, the resemblance is there.

It’s already that time of year? Where does the time go? It’s seems like just yesterday D.B. was found at a rehab center in Idaho.

# D.B. Cooper

On November 24, 1971, a man known as D.B. Cooper hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft, Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305, en route from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington. Cooper, who claimed to have a bomb, demanded $200,000 in ransom (approximately $1.5 million in 2024) and four parachutes upon landing in Seattle.

After releasing the passengers in Seattle, Cooper instructed the flight crew to refuel the aircraft and begin a second flight to Mexico City, with a refueling stop in Reno, Nevada. About 30 minutes after taking off from Seattle, Cooper opened the aircraft’s aft door, deployed the staircase, and parachuted into the night over southwestern Washington.

Cooper’s true identity and whereabouts have never been determined conclusively. In 1980, a small portion of the ransom money was found along the banks of the Columbia River near Vancouver, Washington, but no trace of Cooper was ever found.

# Key Facts:

* Date: November 24, 1971
* Aircraft: Boeing 727, Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305
* Demand: $200,000 ransom and four parachutes
* Parachute jump: Over southwestern Washington, between Seattle and Portland
* Ransom money recovery: A small portion found along the Columbia River in 1980
* FBI investigation: Closed in 2016, officially unsolved

# Recent Developments:

* In 2022, a modified parachute was discovered on the property of a former suspect, Richard McCoy II, leading to renewed interest in the case.
* The FBI has taken the parachute, a harness, and a skydiving logbook into evidence, sparking new theories and speculation.

# Theories and Suspects:

* Richard Floyd McCoy: A suspect who hijacked a plane and parachuted out in 1972, but was ruled out due to physical description inconsistencies.
* Dan Gryder: A YouTuber who claims to have found the parachute and believes it may be linked to D.B. Cooper.
* Robert Rackstraw: A suspect with a colorful criminal history, who was investigated by the FBI but ultimately cleared.

# Legacy:

* D.B. Cooper remains one of the most infamous hijackers in U.S. aviation history, with his true identity and fate still unknown.
* The case has spawned numerous books, documentaries, and films, captivating the public’s imagination and fueling speculation and theories.
* The FBI’s closure of the case in 2016 has not deterred enthusiasts and investigators from continuing to pursue leads and solve the mystery.

So he’s the real McCoy?

His name is Westmoreland

Adam West already owned up to this. He wasn’t about to let Jimmy James take the fall.

This has one of those awful History Channel documentary vibes.

I can only see striking differences between the picture and the sketch.

He was the real McCoy all along

Mmmm no. I’m pretty sure DB Cooper was actually Loki, the God of Mischief. I saw it in a show.

I’ll tell you who took those lunches, it was that damn Sasquatch. 

I’m confused didn’t we already learn it was Loki?

Meh probably a coincidence richard mccoy is definitly not Cooper he was too young to be him

Gryder is a sh!t stain of a person and should be in prison himself. I don’t believe anything he says.

Thanks for posting. This story has always fascinated me.

That sketch always reminds me of that one guy from the Buzzfeed ghost show lol.

It’s him!

gg case closed we did it boys!!!!

I know who it was. Loki!

Lived under an assumed name and bought a NYC news radio station

There’s still the possibility mccoy was a copy cat hijacker

The money is the only proof. Without it, there’s nothing.

Dan Gryder is a scam artist and a liar, sooo personally I wouldn’t believe anything that comes out of his idiotic mouth. 

We already found Doobie Keebler. The mystery is over.

Based on all the evidence I’m thinking he probably died out there somewhere.
We know about the parachute he chose and the kind of weather and the altitude he jumped at. We found money on a river bank. None of the marked bills were ever spent or showed up.
People make mistakes….

Everyone knows he was killed escaping fox river with Micheal Schofield.

We all knew it was Loki

What a life damn

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