Dad doing things right

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It’s great when kids enjoy spending time with their parents, it means they have a strong bond

Is it not happiness for a father to make his daughter happy❤️

Nothing like those little moments that make you feel like the world is perfect. Cherish every second – sounds like she’s got an awesome dad! 😄

This takes me back to being 5 years old and having Chicken pox, my mother had to stay home from work to look after me, I remember feeling happy for a while…

Sometimes all it takes to be a hero is a pair of running shoes and a daughter who thinks you’re the world.

The best days are the ones we don’t plan for. Definitely worth buying that pony.

Awesome to think this would have never happened if he found childcare 🥰


After a rough period with my parents that’s what I wanted to read🥹🥹


If you’re at home why are you getting childcare at all?


You see how little it takes to make two people happy?

this is the kind of content that I don’t mind being reposted. Love it and upvote every time. Probably biased as I’m the dad of a not-so-little girl (18)

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Sounds like Dad learned a very valuable lesson.

One of my favorite memories ever is taking my son (almost 3 at the time) trick or treating. He was riding in his remote controlled power wheels car, looking adorable in his Flash costume, and he looks at me and says, “This is so fun, Daddy!”

That’s what life is all about

Depressing that he’s only spending time with his kid because he couldn’t find childcare. Nice that he’s actually parenting.

If you think that’s fun – try spending some time with your daughter the other 364 days of the year 🙂

I’d really love to get to the point where shit like this doesn’t make me feel jealous and bitter j bc I didn’t get it



That’s so sweet. All kids really want is their parents’ attention.

Another dad here. Can confirm. Daughters have the best days of their lives when riding bikes with their dads.

She’ll never forget it. I have a memory like that.


No love is greater than mom’s love and no care is greater than dad’s care🥰❤️

Its a really great thing to spend time with your daughter or son

I don’t think I’d have been able to finish the run, I would have been sobbing man. I am sobbing right now and I only read about it!

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