Damn, not the secret tapes!

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This is like watching a train trying to stop before hitting a car stalled on the tracks

Google “pepsi” and “assassination” and there are multiple hits, if you will

How ‘small government’ of him.

GOP: Soda taxes are illegal. Keep the government out of private businesses!

Also GOP: Private businesses should change their recipes to what we say!

Bill Hicks made this joke 35 years ago, not about trump obviously….

It’s just a ride…

Remember the axiom about not interrupting your enemy when they are making a mistake…

They do realize we grow corn here in the USA and not sugar cane right? We will have to import it.. which will have tariffs on it.. which will make sweetened goods even more expensive. Have you seen the price for a case of pop lately?

Make Coke Mexican Coke. I actually support this .

So how does this fit in with Trump’s plans to promote American goods via tariffs? Because cane sugar is not a U.S. product. That’s a lot of business leaving the US right there.

Isn’t the reason Coke uses HFCS because it’s cheaper?

Cane Sugar would be better for us. HFCS is only used b/c of heavy govt subsidies that pay corn farmers to keep costs down. Hell even Beet Sugar would be a “better” alternative for consumers. Prices would for sure go up though as there aren’t as deep subsidies on cane and beet sugar.

Funny as shit, don’t these assholes realize pure cane sugar is produced in the tropics. Slap a tariff on that boys!

Well, I mean, if Seal Team 6 is allowed to eliminate Americans, then no American is safe. Create a Praetorian Guard, they start to get ideas of their own.

That’s perfectly fair, they’ll just need to import the cane sugar in from Mexico-


So RFK wants us to make Mexican Coke, but Trump wants to tariff the shit out of Mexico…they still haven’t paid for the wall that’s not built. Fuckn dumb asses.

Coke will then be forced to change their recipe (I thought we didn’t like the govt interfering with stuff) and then the price will get crazy high…wow. What a way to shoot oneself in the dick…

You want to keep American manufacturing and jobs,one of our biggest being corn….but you want to take the corn syrup out of an American product,and replace it with cane sugar,which is something we do not have very many cane sugar farms…..make it make sense,it’s gonna have to be something we import,but then there’s the tariffs we as consumers would have to pay….. idk man just seems stupid to say your gonna do one thing and turn around and do another

While I am not a fan of HFCS, the free market answer that you would expect from the Republicans based on what they claim to stand for would be to remove subsidies on sugar and corn and let the market decide. I am also not a fan of farm subsidies, but they would need to be eased off, otherwise farmers would go bankrupt and food prices would skyrocket. Ultimately large corporate farms would gobble up the bankrupt farms and prices would remain high as the market stabilized due to reduced competition.

Armand owes Bill Hicks a citation there, that JFK from a new angle is his line.

Doesn’t the US generally need to import cane sugar? So how would that work with Trump’s solution of placing tariffs on everything?

He could just end the subsidies on corn, save the government money, and the soda companies would automatically switch to cane since the corn syrup wouldn’t be cheaper anymore.
A mandate means more expensive soda while still costing the government.

He should start with something small like making sure everyone has clean water to drink

Hilarious! Absolutely comical! The very same guy demanding we keep our goods American sourced and trying to cut economic ties with the rest of the world is now trying to force one of the number one consumers of the largest American crop to instead use a crop which can’t be grown in most of this country! LMAO 😂🤣 I’m fucking dying here. You literally don’t have to make shit up to make trump look like a fucking tool

I’m sure the corn/Cargill lobby will have a thing or two to say about this. Sugarcane does not grow in the United States. Tariffs!!!!

Don’t know if anyone’s mentioned yet, but that line about the president being taken in a room and shown the JFK assassination from an angle never broadcast is an old Bill Hicks joke

Once again, irony aside why are we mad about this? Food and drink in America is garbage.

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