Story of my life. A- is for “Almost good enough, but not quite there, try harder next time, and also why is your cousin’s kid already in Harvard? Go apologize to your ancestors.” *immediately starts practicing piano for 12 hours to redeem myself*
20 days ago

20 days ago
Poor asian person with a -A, shouldve copied cousins blueprint
20 days ago
A- ? More like A-disappointment
20 days ago
Even though my mom claims she isn’t even slightly asian, I still think she’s at least 25% asian
Story of my life. A- is for “Almost good enough, but not quite there, try harder next time, and also why is your cousin’s kid already in Harvard? Go apologize to your ancestors.” *immediately starts practicing piano for 12 hours to redeem myself*

Poor asian person with a -A, shouldve copied cousins blueprint
A- ? More like A-disappointment
Even though my mom claims she isn’t even slightly asian, I still think she’s at least 25% asian
Whites not spreading race stereotypes challenge….