Damn… Wish I would have thought of that

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I’m supposed to feel sad for a person who made tens of millions personally, and *billions* for his company? Sorry, not happening. Anyone whose money is made from *murder*, good riddance.

People are murdered every day by insurance companies and no one bats an eye, but one CEO gets shot and everyone loses their minds

Yesterday: A rich guy was murdered, it was really cold somewhere and a school shooting.

Those were the headlines in that order. There is something wrong with that.

The saddest part about this whole situation is that it probably won’t happen again tomorrow. 

>* 100,000 dead from lack of insurance coverage?

“Great success! Shareholders will be delighted!”

> * one greedy bozo dead?

“Oh the horror!”

The comeback or the actual murder

I honestly can’t believe this is a real opinion… like, how are we letting people die just because they can’t afford treatment? Healthcare is a human right, not a privilege.


This is funny as fuck

Lmao, CEOs really out here getting more protection than actual working people. Priorities, right?


Well, lets have hope and prayers more of this happens.

Greed has been painless for WAY too long

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The headlines trying so hard to make it sound as depraved as possible when literally nobody cares lmao

God damn! Wow! That’s a beautiful response lol

Wonder if congress is realizing the 2nd Amendment may eat their faces too?


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If only he was thinking.

Almost spit my beer out at the bar.

I should not have laughed at that…..

I feel like this is going to be one of those Irish or Italian neighborhood type of situations. No one in the neighborhood will give up the guy who put a rapist or wife 6 feet under. No one is going to rat on this guy.

If anyone who rats out the shooter – they’re an asshole.

We laughed at oceangate too why the fuck did they think this would be any different

In court the poor are guilty until proven innocent and the rich and innocent until proven guilty (then they get a slap on the wrist)

Why should the opposite not be true for the court of public opinion?

Eh. I don’t know.

I was just reminding a libertarian buddy on FB (“So what do you do after you’ve killed all the rich blah blah blah) that America doesn’t do eat the rich/populist protests. We don’t do French street riots and national shutdowns.

But then again….nah. When he crashes the economy, everyone will blame Biden

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Hang on.. Please dont tell me we’re still putting potent poison in gasoline? X (

Check out popular, then check out news…

It’s everywhere in popular… nowhere to be seen in News. Hmmm wonder why? Could it be the billionaires who own the news are really hoping the American 24hr memory wipe will take effect?

I am surprised more rich a-holes aren’t murdered. Maybe this will start something.


Republicans be like “here’s why supporting our expensive and shitty healthcare system is actually PUNK ROCK!”

You are indeed madlork! Well done.

Damn, it seems a bit too soon!

I guess the Purge *will* be televised!!

Don’t worry, give it a few days and the right wing pundits will turn it into a left vs right thing… They are right now desperately trying.. Hopefully the MAGA folks don’t take the bait and realize they are getting screwed as well..

Has the news really been freaking out that people are happy he’s dead?

Can’t help but remember their reaction to the first Joker film.

Okay now you made me inhale my Dr Pepper into my sinuses! But it was worth it!


Gas hasn’t had lead in it for about 40 years.

Oh snaaap

That ceo did look a bit cold… but I have a feeling he will be pretty warm where he’s going.


Fucking savage ha

This particular CEO was


They never hear of unleaded?

Inside edition called him a victim, how many victims did that victim create though?

Ok this one made me spit my drink out. Lmfao

America moving away from eat the rich to bullets for bastards was not on my 2024 bingo card. I had that pegged for 2027.

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