Daniel Radcliffe has pledged to only accept acting roles that will confuse and upset “Harry Potter” fans.

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Heโ€™s in the same boat as Mark Hamill where he peaked so early with a role so impossible to match in terms of legacy so heโ€™s devoted the rest of his career to doing side quests.


guns akimbo

Swiss Army Man was wild


Dude just wants to have fun, respect it

Few actors are as big of an instant buy for me as Daniel Radcliffe. Still havenโ€™t been anything less than entertained by him. His Weird Al was nothing short of priceless.

He and Elijah Wood have some of the best mainstream weird works. They could team up.

I would like him to play a schizophrenic who believes he is a chosen wizard.

This man is living his best life. He could live a luxurious lifestyle for the rest of his life just from the HP royalties alone, never mind what he got paid.

He out there taking every crazy off the wall part that he could never afford to take if he wasn’t set for life.

This is what happiness looks like people. Give someone enough cash to never have to worry about money again, and they choose to do things they love that make a fraction of he could have commanded.

People who have ungodly sums of money and choose to do nothing but seek more instead of, well, anything else, are by definition not happy. Glorifying them is a stupid thing, glorify what Radcliffe is doing.

I particularly enjoyed his rendition of she’ll be coming round the mountain

He’s remarkable, and I adore him.

Harry Potter and the Escape fro Pretoria

Its easy to confuse Harry Potter fans

Go on, do Ricewind next, pleeeeeeease

He went so far in the other direction that he pigeonholed himself into being a damn fine actor who can do anything and still hold our admiration.

He’s an actor, he’s not Harry Potter. Makes sense.

He’s been killing it on Broadway.

He’s killing it in Imperium… He’s a kind of wizard in that too

I loved him in Lord of the Rings


I’ve never been a fan of harry potter, but I’ll watch Just about anything Daniel Radcliffe is in because it’s always a weird (Al) and fun watch.

I saw a post of people wanting a LOTR Muppets movie and I so badly want Daniel Radcliffe to be Frodo.ย 

Rizzo: Hey! We even got Elijah Woods back as Frodo!

Gonzo: Actually…
*Rizzo walks off and Gonzo shakes his head and groans*

Whoโ€™s upset, and why?

I think it’s all canonical, and Harry has been mad ever since he saved the magical world.

Thoae years under the staircase didn’t do him well.

He was fun as the villain in The Lost City too

Itโ€™s called the R.Pattinson Rule

“Farting corpse” is a banger, though.

He doesnโ€™t need the money so heโ€™s just living his little freak dreams and thatโ€™s beautiful ๐Ÿซถ

Horns was fucking amazing. Love you Daniel!

I love this guy, and Elijah Wood. Who are the same person.

swiss army man his best role !


I absolutely adore him!

He’s so real for that TBH

If he really wants to upset Harry Potter fans he should take a role in the new Harry Potter series.

I adore him with my whole heart, heโ€™s got such a chaotic energy and he commits 100% to the bit no matter how weird it is

I quite enjoy his career so far. He’s shown that he’s versatile enough to be a good actor and not pigeon-holed into his Harry Potter fame. Honestly one of my favorite things he’s done is playing himself on Bojak Horseman.

I don’t blame him since it’s hard for an actor like him to break away from an iconic role.


He probably never has to work ever again. He’s just in it for the fun

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