Darktide was peak

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It purifies the air of heresy, does its job better than most.

Its an Air Purifier

In the US Army there is a medal soldiers can earn called the Army Achievement Medal (AAM). In the hierarchy of medals it is the lowest and can be given by any company commander without higher approval needed. As a result it is often given to low ranking soldiers for basic things. One time my infantry company had just finished a month-long field exercise and our company commander told all the platoons to nominate a single soldier to receive an AAM for excellence during the exercise. That day my platoon sergeant was mad about a host of things and thought our platoon performed poorly during the exercise. So he nominated a house plant in his office for the medal. The commander thought it was hilarious and approved the form. So one week later we had an award ceremony where Private Rhododendron had an army achievement medal pined to his pot. The award citation read something like โ€œfor gallantly converting carbon dioxide to oxygen.โ€ The plant had the medal on its pot for as long as I was in that unit.

Ok but hear me out, I cast statue on thee


Ok I’ll say it. We already put purity seals on stuff to show it’s been checked. How is a PAT test label on a computer at work any different from a purity seal.

It makes sense to me from a lore perspective since the Mechanicum of Mars sprung out of a need to maintain their life support by any means necessary, and it morphed into a religion with holy rites and blessings. There’s a weird train of logic that goes from servicing an air compressor with fresh grease to “applying the holy oils to the blessed life giver.”

A purity seal is no different from a service tag.


Man Darktide is still , mostly better than before

Darktide IS peak (or at least better than Space Marine 2 imo )

Must be inverter driven, those REQUIRE rites and rituals to work.

Omnissiah be praised!

I got eaten by a Beast of Nurgle yesterday and the other Ogryn on my squad said “Om nom nom nom nom” in response

I think galdriels
“The codex astartes does not support this action…but I am looking forward to it” easily tops thisย 

I have one on my fridge.

That AC unit probably has someone’s uncle strapped inside controlling the temperature and fans.

Funny, until you try to remove it and the Machine Spirit of the AC gets pissed off and stops recycling you air, 40 levels under the Hive’s surface.

Gamers try not to praise one game without bashing another challenge level: IMPOSSIBLE

Correction: Darktide IS peak.
Praise the Emperor

The Emperor demands excellence from all His servants, even a humble crane

Ask any AdMech and they’ll tell you the AC won’t work without a purity seal and at least 30 minutes of communing with the machine spirit. Even then the lowest it can go is 75 degrees.

In the 41st millennium. There is only functional AC units. Praise the omnissiah

Darktide “is” peak.

AC unit? Armored Core is Canon in 40k?

that’s not air conditioner, that’s an air purifier!

Even the lowest machine spirits are deserving of veneration

The seal is for the purification of air and for untrammeled airflow

Darktide is just a better 40k imo

As someone who only got a ps5 for Christmas and has been playing both, space marine 2 is the better game in every way.

You know, other than being a complete game made by competent devs

Darktide recently got released on playstation and I admire the hell out of the game. The environments are fantastic in terms of fleshening out the world of Warhammer, I love seeing the day-to-day locations that people live in, more-so than the more esoteric high-brow locations visited in Space Marine 2, and the gameplay is really top notch.

My only gripes with it are a really confusing weapon stats system and the aim-assist implementation on console is real clunky. When you can’t track an enemy moving left-to-right because it slows your cursor down so much when near to them that you can’t keep up with them…infuriating! Also having to turn left/right instead of diagonally because it’s faster to turn left/right than any direction with a vertical element, just feels bad. Almost every other FPS game has better controller feel.

I just recently got into playing Darktide and Iโ€™ve gotta say, itโ€™s peak.

Was? What happened?

The ultramarine soup cauldron:

The air pumper protects

I’m a xenos and heretic collector. What do purity seals do?

idk that one chapter serf going blind and getting told “replacement eyes are too expensive, we’re putting you in a diving suit and making you clean the septic tank from now on, you dont need eyes for that job” was also pretty funny.


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