Which is odd when you think about the fact that the word for woman is female/feminine “Die Frau”
27 days ago
Welp german here let me explain
The german word for girl is “mädchen” the article being “das” which is the neutral form. “Der” is the male form and “die” the female form.
Now the word Mädchen is actually a combination of 2 words being “Magd” which is the old word for girl i think and the suffix “-chen” which is used to make things cute or small.
Whereas the word “Magd” does have the feminine article “die” (Die Magd). The suffix “-chen” is always accompanied with the article “das”. And in german the article of the word is based on the last part.
So yeah calling girls cute is the reason why their genderless
27 days ago
Technically not directly wrong but also not right. The German articles „der“ for male nouns and „die“ for female nouns and „das“ for neutral nouns specify the gender.
While you are technically correct and „das Mädchen“ is indicated as a neutral noun, the article „das“ is a gender specifying article as well as „der“ and „die“.
So „das Mädchen“ actually has a gender, not male or female, but being neutral.
Welcome to our language
27 days ago
Wrong, the German word for “girl” is “Mädchen”.
27 days ago
german is living another level of meaning of words
27 days ago
Die Mädchen klingt halt einfach scheiße. Abgesehen vom Plural
27 days ago
Fraulein is also “neuter” (genderless), which is funny cos apparently it’s normally used for unmarried women (I always figured it was exclusively for young women, post Madchen, but hey ho…)
27 days ago
There is only one gender
27 days ago
“Das Mädchen” is, as every diminutive, in the neuter.
It derives from “Die Mad” or “Die Magd”, definitely female.
Die Mad = Das Mädchen
Der Knabe = Das Knäblein
Easy as.
27 days ago
I explained that mädchen is a neuter word in German to a lady once and her conclusion is that all Germans are misogynistic. Lol.
Which is odd when you think about the fact that the word for woman is female/feminine “Die Frau”
Welp german here let me explain
The german word for girl is “mädchen” the article being “das” which is the neutral form. “Der” is the male form and “die” the female form.
Now the word Mädchen is actually a combination of 2 words being “Magd” which is the old word for girl i think and the suffix “-chen” which is used to make things cute or small.
Whereas the word “Magd” does have the feminine article “die” (Die Magd). The suffix “-chen” is always accompanied with the article “das”. And in german the article of the word is based on the last part.
So yeah calling girls cute is the reason why their genderless
Technically not directly wrong but also not right. The German articles „der“ for male nouns and „die“ for female nouns and „das“ for neutral nouns specify the gender.
While you are technically correct and „das Mädchen“ is indicated as a neutral noun, the article „das“ is a gender specifying article as well as „der“ and „die“.
So „das Mädchen“ actually has a gender, not male or female, but being neutral.
Welcome to our language
Wrong, the German word for “girl” is “Mädchen”.
german is living another level of meaning of words
Die Mädchen klingt halt einfach scheiße. Abgesehen vom Plural
Fraulein is also “neuter” (genderless), which is funny cos apparently it’s normally used for unmarried women (I always figured it was exclusively for young women, post Madchen, but hey ho…)
There is only one gender
“Das Mädchen” is, as every diminutive, in the neuter.
It derives from “Die Mad” or “Die Magd”, definitely female.
Die Mad = Das Mädchen
Der Knabe = Das Knäblein
Easy as.
I explained that mädchen is a neuter word in German to a lady once and her conclusion is that all Germans are misogynistic. Lol.
Very sane person.
So it’s kinda like “guys” in English