Defence would like to treat the witness as hostile, your Honour. Last updated: March 9, 2025 9:59 pm By UnconfirmedCatholic Share Lounge 26 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 26 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Marjory_SB 3 days ago Not too far off from how most court proceedings go. But also a lot of times, attorneys will purposefully ask stupid questions to aggro the witness into saying something they shouldn’t. GuildensternLives 3 days ago Thanks for the email jokes, Grandma! jedi1josh 3 days ago  Mad_Dauwg 3 days ago Seen this so many times in different formats, I’m starting to question if this actually happened. CycleZestyclose3510 3 days ago I need to see how it ends! mutualbuttsqueezin 3 days ago I remember seeing this as a chain email in the early 90s. Stainless_Heart 3 days ago I swear I heard that joke over 30 years ago. That it’s a photograph of a dot matrix printout bears witness to my statement. PReasy319 3 days ago Stole this from Facebook, huh? exgiexpcv 3 days ago Oh wow, I haven’t seen this one is at least 20 years. Ahh, the memories. No-Entertainer-840 3 days ago Print out a chain mail from the 90s, caption it and blur a huge chunk of the picture instead of cropping it. Quality stuff here .. stimp313 3 days ago  Sick burn Like_maybe 3 days ago I think I first read that joke about 30 years ago lonely_hart 3 days ago Dammmnnnn SolidConsequence8621 3 days ago Bro printed a joke ancient as law and posted the paper in between skipping classes pretending he’s anything else than a failure to his parents. Nezarah 3 days ago [Here is a similar exchange (word for word from the transcript) acted out.]( Grazden 3 days ago Thanks for bringing back memories of browsing back in 90s middle school computer class. edcculus 3 days ago Yea I was recently on a Jury, and yea this is pretty much all of the defenses questions Previous-Ad-9322 3 days ago If that’s true, that’s one of the most savage comebacks of all time. Background-Noise-918 3 days ago  RashiAkko 3 days ago Ok grandpa. zehamberglar 3 days ago RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: FW: FW: RE: FW: RE: medina607 3 days ago Oldie but a goodie. RejiiiBluntz 3 days ago I agree with OP’s title selection😂 Common_Sea_2367 3 days ago That is probably something medic TF2 would say Sea_Range_2441 3 days ago Principle of explosion 💥 Pink-frosted-waffles 3 days ago Is this from disorder in the court? SearchSearchRecent PostsTake your interview preparation seriously Our Moen Stainless Showerhead is starting to rust. What’s the best was to remove the rust and protect it from happening again?? Chill voices from a chill guy Who the hell would do that?! Looking at my winter body like… Recent Comments
Not too far off from how most court proceedings go.
But also a lot of times, attorneys will purposefully ask stupid questions to aggro the witness into saying something they shouldn’t.
Thanks for the email jokes, Grandma!

Seen this so many times in different formats, I’m starting to question if this actually happened.
I need to see how it ends!
I remember seeing this as a chain email in the early 90s.
I swear I heard that joke over 30 years ago.
That it’s a photograph of a dot matrix printout bears witness to my statement.
Stole this from Facebook, huh?
Oh wow, I haven’t seen this one is at least 20 years. Ahh, the memories.
Print out a chain mail from the 90s, caption it and blur a huge chunk of the picture instead of cropping it. Quality stuff here ..

Sick burn
I think I first read that joke about 30 years ago
Bro printed a joke ancient as law and posted the paper in between skipping classes pretending he’s anything else than a failure to his parents.
[Here is a similar exchange (word for word from the transcript) acted out.](
Thanks for bringing back memories of browsing back in 90s middle school computer class.
Yea I was recently on a Jury, and yea this is pretty much all of the defenses questions
If that’s true, that’s one of the most savage comebacks of all time.

Ok grandpa.
Oldie but a goodie.
I agree with OP’s title selection😂
That is probably something medic TF2 would say
Principle of explosion 💥
Is this from disorder in the court?