Delta crash at YYZ today

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I am at YYZ right now. All inbound and outbound flights are suspended. All we saw was a large black smoke for an instant

This is why you wear your seatbelt

My good friend was on that flight. He said everyone got out and all are okay.

EDIT. Comment is now old. Multiple injuries reported as more information released since original comment.

That is an insane photo. Still can’t conceptuallize how a plane flips over with enough force that it tears its wings off and yet is still going slow and low enough that the fuselage remains largely intact.

Either the pilots did something terribly wrong or the pilots did something amazingly right.

(The pilot part is a bit tongue in cheek obvious should wait for offical investigation. Just a bit crazy that it flipped and ther are no fatalities or life threatening injuries)

You said your friend was on this flight, what’s the status of other people if they know?

Is this really happening more lately or are we just getting more news coverage of these plane crashes? It’s crazy the amount we’ve had lately.

Whooaaaaa. I had to check the time stamp. this JUST happened?! 😮🫨

When over-wing exits become under-what’s-left-of-wing exits, the fact that people are walking away from this is a win.

This looks absolutely terrifying.

I am about to be a dad; this photo 100% just confirmed that I will be buying my newborn a seat and using her carseat as opposed to the free “in lap” option.


How? Wtf

My husband’s boss was on that flight, work trip. He is ok.

I’m at the airport right now. Seen 3 helicopters rush out of here outside. I’m assuming whoever was injured is injured pretty badly. Also, if you see the other side of the plane. The rear end looks more crumpled up on that side. The plane also caught fire.

Was supposed to be on that flight today, as I have meetings in Toronto and Winnipeg this week, went with an Air Canada flight instead. Absolutely crazy I could have been on this flight

Live near YYZ. It has to be a combination of the post-storm ice build up and windy conditions (which are also scattering ice/snow around).


Yea I’m never unbuckling before we are at the gate

Uhhh, not feeling great about my flight tomorrow morning

how anyone survived this is amazing. kudos to the pilots probably. i cannot begin to imagine what they all experienced.

Video shows fire dept hosing pax down, I would have… mixed emotions.

WTF is Going, this is unbelievable amounts of incidents in such a short span

I can’t imagine what that would be like to unbuckle yourself and get out of there. Amazing that there were more injuries!

Yeah not a great thing to read at 30K feet over Toronto on a DL A350. Hoping everyone is safe!

Honest question, what do the passengers get as recompense as a result of this from Delta/Canada/Canadair? Sky Pesos and 10 free therapy sessions? A check? Nothing? I can’t imagine being a passenger experiencing this, I’m sure this has made at least some of them say “I’ll never fly again”. How does the airline/aircraft manufacturer/country make up for this to its passengers in a crash?

I’m watching the live coverage of this at 32k feet and tightened my seatbelt

We’re at a hotel across the street from YYZ, our flights got delayed yesterday due to weather til Tuesday.

Now I’m standing in the window sipping a coffee staring at the airport like a [paranoid]( Matthew McConaughey.

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