Dentists are odd creatures

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They will be happy even if you eat like an animal, more money for them

One meal means brushing teeth once a day is enough


Literally me I have been living like this for the past 3 years
Don’t eat anything all day until dinner normal 1200 calories plus

I work and extremely hard physical job as a welder/shipbuilder and I just don’t feel hungry anymore my girlfriend pretty much screams at me to eat around 6-7 pm

My doctor says it’s probably depression/stress but I’m so broke I don’t care I couldn’t afford eating everything day like 3 meals a day anyways

I was working for a “black company” which clocked me over 70-100 hours per week of work, while paying me with peanuts. The intense demotivation followed with depression and stress I used to eat once a day ate like at least over a kilo cal over one meal.

Then I fell sick, very sick. So sick that I am still recovering from that. Even a slightly stressed day is gonna make me anxious, nauseous and puke the guts out of me.

It worsened my mental health as well as my physical health. I still think how they kept me in their workforce till then.

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