“Deny, Depose, Defend” was spray painted on the UnitedHealthcare office building in Las Vegas

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I love that this post is tagged as Arts/Crafts.

As a Las Vegas resident, I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight not only the nation’s poor healthcare system but also Las Vegas’ poor public school system. Our teachers really don’t get the funding or support they need.

Too bad spray paint doesn’t come with spell check. “Defenid” 🙄

Their security budget will skyrocket now.



Is it ‘Deny, delay, depose’?

Eat the rich

How long before the social media algo’s start to censors those words?


A for effort. The need for spell check is funny but I’m mostly being serious. Any act of defiance, memes, anything that keeps this story and these companies in the general public’s consciousness/view is a good thing.

If the shooting and Luigi and the evilness of these mega corporations fall by the wayside in the rapidly changing news cycle I will be pretty disappointed.

I was just thinking about Edward Snowden, the last whistle blower that had this much impact. Funny how most people wont give their life for a cause, and these guys make it their mission.

Just a helpful reminder about what they’re all complicit in.

What’s funny to me is I drive by this building every morning on my way to work, and I never really noticed it there until the assassination.

The pitchforks are coming 🇺🇸

Isn’t it delay deny depose?

I suppose they are going to send the entire military after this one.

Shouldn’t be surprised, America elected a criminal.

The more we see this written on walls and t-shirts, the less it will mean. This feel like one of those “don’t talk about it, be about it” sort of things.

Y’all bouta FIN’ OUT 😁🤣🤣

Do it again

Fuck yes. I won’t be alive in 6 months because of the shitty healthcare here. Especially mental health for women.


Guys it was Deny Delay Depose on the bullets. A city official misspoke.

Tagger must be a graduate of one of our great CCSD schools.

I wonder if it’ll be like this at some student loan servicer headquarters in a month or two.

Keep it coming! The revolution will be redditvised!!

One of my best friends works in this building.

She has a great job, she worked her way up and is doing well for herself and she loves what she does. She makes good money but nothing crazy, middle class income that goes a long way since she doesn’t have kids.

She has said the last week there has been very difficult. Apparently Brian Thompson was fairly well liked as a boss, she had met him a few times.

While I absolutely support the sentiment, spray painting an office building filled with mid-range employees might not be the most effective route.

true art!

Next time use spell check

Hopefully that’s at least a few sleepless nights for a couple of execs.

Luigi might have been the spark.

Praise Luigi!

holy shit we’re living in the joker movie

I’m a high school teacher. I’d like CEOs to be as concerned about getting shot at work as I am.

Here come the Reddit comedians and grammar nazis being deliberately obtuse. I think it’s pretty obvious that the line on the raised section is supposed to be the beginning of the letter D when viewed from the front.

“Stupid is as stupid does”

You just can’t make this stupidity up


Showed them.

That will show them

I wonder if Biden will pardon them?

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