Denying healthcare is violence

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Having asthma “radicalized” very early. When you need the medication to LIVE and they’re response is ‘pay or die’ or when they decide, after 10 years, that they’re not going to cover my medication anymore… Please do not ask me for thoughts and prayers.

Healthcare ceos and directors need to be investigated for murder asap! A child dying of cancer because a oligarch wants a bonus is fucked up.

How many people have died waiting or being denied necessary health care by these companies? I’m sure it is greater than one.

She’s the only elected official making this point, I think.

Thompson’s death does not make me particularly sad or disturbed. I have far more empathy for the tens of thousands of insureds who have died, whose families have suffered losses, who have experienced bankruptcy, due to UHC’s business decisions – one of which was to launch that AI algorithm that made errors 90% of the time (and was Thompson’s big project push), denying people life-saving care. I’ve been reading reports, lawsuits, etc., and have a very clear sense of how I feel about both UHC and Thompson.

When a system is stacked for those with power and they never face consequences for the harms they cause, desperation breeds retaliation from the people who are being squeezed. For me, the violence isn’t as messed up or upsetting as the system that is upheld and protected by the very wealthy in this country that has driven people to violent retaliation. That’s where I lay the ultimate blame.

I am sad for the people of this country. I am sad for the abuses so many endure at the hands of corporate America (and at the hands of the decision makers in those companies). I am sad we have built (and meticulously maintained) a system that has made people broken and desperate. I’m not particularly sad that a guy who was convicted of drunk driving, under investigation for insider trading (and sued by a firefighters’ pension fund for it), who chose to maximize profits at the expense people’s lives, paid a price. Actions and choices have consequences.

There’s a real issue with how defining radicalization is done, imo. The training that psychologically conditions soldiers to kill without emotional affectation is considered fine. If soldiers are killing people who are state sanctioned, then it’s morally supported, not radical. The Revolutionary War was illegal under British law, but we see it as a moral victory for this country. Revolutionary soldiers occasionally hid in bushes, under bridges, behind walls, flouting traditional warfare in favor of guerrilla attacks, and we applaud them.

And certainly Thompson will never be considered radicalized for knowingly signing off on numerous business practices (meant to enrich himself and his company) that lead to the deaths of thousands of UHC customers. That’s considered business as normal.

Thank you, aoc.

My reaction to news of Thompson’s death was basically the same as my reaction to all those Russian Oligarchs having “accidents” since the war in Ukraine started.

Cant scrounge up much sympathy for someone that’s enriched themselves generously by exploiting control over key services to squeeze everyone else. Perhaps the only people I can feel bad for are young kids who had no control over who their dad was but are now left without one.

She’s the only one that seems to understand.

It’s pretty fucking violent to take someone’s money for years or decades and deny giving them what they paid for. That denial then causing financial hardship or even worse, an early death.

If a CEO makes a policy that will result in a person’s inevitable death due to not receiving life-saving treatment, why would they not return the favor?

Bin Laden didn’t kill anyone. He made policies and plans that led to the deaths of many people, and no one in America minded when we spent over a trillion dollars hunting him down and killing him.

When a person commits a crime, a person goes to jail.

When a company commits a crime, a person should, also, go to jail.

“When the rich kill the poor it’s called business. When the poor kill the rich it’s called violence” or some shit

Fuck yes AOC, on the side of the people again

Denying someone life saving healthcare is also not justified, just saying!

I guarantee you anyone who is sympathizing with the CEO has never had a claimed denied.

End the middleman. Reduce medical expenses for everyone and have universal coverage for all.


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When our twin’s birth and 4-day hospital stay were denied by insurance, they sent the $25,000 bill to collections. It was actually the collections agency that waited patiently, telling us that they were sure the insurance companies’ denial was wrong. After resubmitting all the same paperwork they claimed to have “lost” 4 separate times, the claim was finally approved after a year and a half in collections. Fuck insurance

It is violence. It’s also theft.

‘You know that thing I paid you for, the thing I need to survive?’

‘Yeah, what about it?’

‘I need it now, or I’ll die’

‘Yeah, just go die then. It would cost me to much to give it to you. And no, I’m not giving you your money back.’

If someone kills one person they go to jail or get executed.  

If they kill thousands a year they get a bonus.

Got what he deserved.

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This guy invented our heathcare after operation paperclip

Lots of deleted comments.

Her underlying principle is valid.  Thousands of people die off because lack of insurance or a denial of claims.  Insurance Companies are publicly traded industry, which means their stock price is governed by their denial of claims. Denial of medical claims is a denial of medical treatments.  That literally goes against the Geneva Conventions.

The difference between me and a medieval peasant is that the medieval peasant didn’t have thousand page thick volumes of law standing between him and the capricious violence of the ruling class. They felt it uncut and face to face. There was no bureaucratic filter to make it all seem on the up and up

Denying healthcare is rotten to the core. Pure evil. They kill or hurt many because of their dark business dealings. Scumbags!

This is how you FUCKING campaign! Take my vote!

Yeah, this is surprisingly tame for AOC. Denying a healthcare claim *is* violence.

She’s correct, and I’m glad she’s saying it.


“When the rich kill the poor it’s called business. When the poor kill the rich it’s called violence” or some shit

I mean… yeah kinda if you stretch it a bit.

Violence is defined by Miriam-Webster as “the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy.”

And force defined as “violence, compulsion, or constraint exerted upon or against a person or thing.”

So… active denial of a healthcare claim is exercising force that causes injury or damage. It’s an act of violence.

My friend directly died thanks to UHC denying her claims. Because when you have breast cancer and you’re over 55, they just don’t give a shit, you might get two rounds of chemo and radio total, they better not be closer than 2 years since the last one, and if they’re tired of you, then they’re going to fight you about it until you die.

That’s the healthcare reality in USA.

The more I hear from and of her, the more I absolutely adore her!


Cowabunga it is.

The difference between pushing a knife into someone to kill them, and a surgeon ***not*** pushing a knife into someone to save their lives because an insurance company declined coverage to increase profits is all too often the same result – a dead person.

This is a consequence of a decision made by 2 individuals – in the first case, an assailant, and in the second, a corporation thanks to corporate personhood.

Killing by the pen is still killing.

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Fucking love her

Because it IS an act of violence. UHC and health insurance profits off denying us the care we desperately need to live. It’s violence to be held up in healthcare limbo only to be forced to live with debilitating diagnoses simply because the CEOs need to meet shareholder demands. Luigi was radicalized by the healthcare industry – and rightfully so.

Well she is right, denying someone healthcare coverage is murder!

Your employer pays a shit ton for your healthcare benefit. That’s your money that isn’t going to you to
as salary. Then you pay your premium on top of that from your wages. Imagine getting that as a salary and instead paying some more taxes to get coverage that doesn’t get denied. You’ll be coming out way ahead. That money is savings, could be a downpayment on the house, kids college funds, investments. Instead they scam us and then kill us. Violence isn’t just inevitable it’s overdue.

She isn’t wrong. The CEO had a larger body count than his murderer.

She’s right you know

Finally, some fucking teeth. If she can jump on this platform she could be the bulldog the left has needed over their golden retriever reps

AI should NOT be a healthcare insurance tool!! There are enough human ones!!!

“It’s just business” is barely different from “She shouldn’t have worn that dress.”

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