Denzel Washington honoured with Presidential medal of freedom!

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Even after he tried to overthrow Rome and grab power?


โ€œThe Medal may be awarded by the President as provided in this order to any person who has made an especially meritorious contribution to (1) the security or national interests of the United States, or (2) world peace, or (3) cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.โ€ [source](

Note (3). This is why the Medal is given to Denzel, Ralph Lauren, Anna Wintour, etc.


And you get a medal! And you get a medal!

Shit, it’s too late probably, but if we’re doing actors, they should have given one to Danny Trejo. That guy really reaches out and makes an effort to do a lot of good.

If Donald Trump can be president, why not give a medal to Scooby Doo or Ronald McDonald too?

Not sure why people are hating on this. Denzel is an accomplished actor and did significant humanitarian work. Highlighting a positive black role model before we get four years of unraveling civil rights is a worthy use of presidential discretion on the part of Biden.

His plan to take over the White House is getting closerย 

We who have fallen salute you Macrinus ๐ŸŽ ย ๐ŸŒดย 

Something about spelling it โ€œhonouredโ€ when talking about a medal from the President of the United States just seemsโ€ฆ wrong.

JFC who didnโ€™t get one?

Damn. Can I get one too since we’re in a giving mood?

Love a bit o Denzel

Deserves it 100%

King kong ain’t got shit on this medal.


I want to Think he said โ€œmy manโ€ as he received it

Denzel for President 2028

Why does he deserve one?

Gladiator 2 sucked ass

He actually deserves it

Basically this medal is the US equivalent of a knighthood

Deja vu.

Jessica Huang would be so proud.

Thatโ€™s Robert McCall bro, he deserves one for defending the poor & defenseless

” I’m leaving here with sumthin’ “๐Ÿ‘€


I thought he was living in Sicily now.


Great rice

Alright alright alright

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