Depiction of age through reflections of life.

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Went from a young Caucasian to an old Asian.

[Here]comment image) is a **MUCHh** higher-quality version of this image. [Here]( is the source. Per there:

> Until We Meet Again (NYC)

> ‘This is part of my Reflection Stories photo series which aims to capture the humanity of everyday moments through the use of reflections’

Credit to the photographer, Paola Franqui, who took this in 2015.

I think you’re thinking a little too hard about a bad iphone photo

This isn’t her reflection.

This photo makes me feel sad and the inevitability of time…

[original image]( – credits to Monaris


Maybe better fit for r/notinteresting

this is a “picture”

use random people minding their own business as the subject in your shitty phone pic to share online as art!

Nice shot

Ugh. Always sucks looking at old pictures of a younger you and realizing youll never look like that again.

Decent. Whose the photographer / credit?

And the cars plowing through them represent life in between, and the reflection of the camera man represents people that see your struggles and do nothing but gawk.

As someone in their 40’s this hit hard

How she change ethnicity too?

Yep that’s right. That young Caucasian lady is going to be an old Asian one day.

White Lotus was right. Maybe there is an Asian girl inside all of us.

This is for a new Anti-meth ad campaign

I like it. Nice

Whoo took the photo

At least she was beautiful when she was young

Yep, that old lady was once… Elisabeth Holmes?

You’d think these would be AI comments I think the artistic notion, however unimpressive, is pretty obvious…

Frances McDormand?

I like how in old age, we change into cars.

Don’t slouch


The number of people calling this a shitty phone pic is insane when you can see the reflection of the camerman on the right*. Goes to show how many people actually looked at the photo lol

went from white women to asian old women.

Artist is Paola “Monaris” Franqui

this is photography!

This shit sucks



que mierda es ser mortal

wow! talk about photo worth a 1000 words. this is beyond awesome


You can still take photos this shitty in 2025?? 

Oh fuck off


Ahh to be young and white instead of old and Asian

This image has a powerful meaning.

Let this granny be!

r/NeedsMoreJPEG is leaking.

[Fixed it]( for you.

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