Deportation flights begin under the new Trump administration

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Werent deportations already a thing happening regularly? Like what is different about this deportation flight vs the ones that happened a few weeks ago?

Here is a ICE memo from may of last year talking about deportation flights:


Interested in the authenticity of this photo. But also curious as to the process.

Assuming it’s authentic, how are the people identified as to their country of origin, where are they transported, what provisions are in place for their safe return? How is it communicated to their family here – for example, are these men married to legal citizens and have children who are also legal?

Caption is inaccurate, deportation flights never stopped, and the Biden admin surpassed Trump’s highest number for annual deportations.

See eg [](

the United States has always deported. This isn’t a new thing

Deportations, ice arrests, etc have been going on for the last 4 years. Please look at their site, they have gradually increased, decreased a little, and then steadied out (but still higher arrests than 2020).

The only difference is Biden didn’t draw attention to it because his base thinks deporting illegals is evil, and Trump is drawing attention to it because his supporter base is so inflamed about illegals and so it looks good for him.

Literally nothing new going on here besides some camera crews doing ride alongs and more media attention.

Is there a source for this? I mean I don’t doubt something like this could happen, but I’m not gonna go into a blind rage over a reddit photo with no source or follow-up info first.

Edit- won’t be posting the link but this exact photo was posted by the official white house twitter with the caption “Promises made. Promises kept.” They’re just kids man. Chained up like dogs.

Cool. This will definitely make the price of gas and eggs go down.

This doesn’t look real.

Pro-Trump propaganda.

Obama’s administration deported more illegals than Trump without fanfare.

Reddit spreading misleading information. I will talk to the top man.

First, there always has been deportation flights. Second, to process deportation, would take ages, not just 4 days.

So, now when crimes get committed who’s Chump gonna blame…himself?

I doubt the picture is accurate given the caption. First of all, a military C-17 is a very expensive option. Also, deportations require the receiving country to accept them + again a military jet would not be used. Deportations are and have been happening, but it doesn’t look like this

No government in the world is this fast/efficient. There is no way in hell this is due to Trump’s policies.

Go do Musks salute at your work or local Veterans Hall… lets all find out whos who in trumps America

Those people are all wearing masks. This is not 2025.

Yesterday I read articles talking about the crops that no one is picking. 75% of them gone. Both in cali and florida. Is maga in line to make an application for fruit pickers?

Why are grocery prices and rent still so hight?

On a massive military cargo plane??? I call BS.

wow 10s of people per flight. super efficient, definitely going to effect real positive change in the country.

also some strange things in this photo. why chains and not simple handcuffs? why are they wearing masks?

Is it me or does this look like an AI image?

Expensive plane for deporting dudes. I know Boeing has fucked up lately but a 747 feels more practical.

Why taf are we deporting all these people just to import thousands of H1B workers “at every level”?

So *that’s* happening, Donald… now get some important shit accomplished like improving US healthcare, and magically lowering the price of eggs & gasoline?

I’m sure this makes the Republicans erect.

It is cropped from a White House tweet

press x to doubt

Funky picture to see 30 seconds after watching an episode of X-Men ’97.

“Begin” ??? They were always ongoing.

Fake post.. are these folks chained? Yes. Are they boarding a plane? Yes. Is it due to the new Nazi president policy? No. Different time, different reason. Stop believing social media.

Replacing your roof now will cost double. Just saying! 😆

Thats an expensive ride

Doesn’t that plane cost like thousands of dollars an hour to run? Why are we wasting so much money on this.

Another couple million dollars to ship back 11 people. That’s fiscal responsibility for you.

They never stopped. Biden deported a million people last year but nice narrative.

They never ended. Bullshit photo-op. This shit happens all the time everywhere. Except civilized countries might not make them walk in chains like a bunch of animals.

A moment of silent reflection on all the MS-13 gang members being deported that brought such culture & diversity to America.

AI pic?

Are eggs cheaper yet?

How much does this shit cost?

No one deported more people than Biden. There were almost daily flights of 737-A320 to Colombia with deported people sometimes even 2 in a day. They sent Colombians, Venezuelans and even people not from South America. Flights came from Texas where they were held.


I was like “woah they’re all wearing matching belts that’s kind coo…. Annnnnnd it’s a chain gang.”

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