Despicable Marketing!!

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Money is often requested for goods and services.

Ten bucks a month for my 1000+ song playlist anywhere and tons of downloaded podcasts is kinda alright with me ngl. Probably the one subscription I have that I’m totally happy with.

You’re shuffling a 1000 song playlist? Here’s the 50 you heard yesterday.

“Whether you’re up in the clouds or going way underground, it’s easy to take your music with you where ever you go. With Spotify Premium, you can save your favorite songs to your phone and listen offline. That means you can play anywhere, anytime without using any data. And right now, you can try Premium free for 30 days. Ready to make the move? Tap the banner to learn more”

Redditors when a company wants to make profit:

Honestly, I’m a fan of Spotify. Maybe I’m just used to it.

A company that wants to get paid for using their service.. oh no! What has this world come to?!

The problem isn’t paying for a subscription, it’s how many ads the free version throws at you.

Oh yeah let me buy 4000 CDs and rip them so I can upload a fraction of that (limited space) on the phone! Duh, stupid Spotify!

So it should be free forever? How does that work in your mind?

Does this post suggest that this service should be free??

Hey OP, this might be hard to believe, but there was a time not too long ago that there were no music streaming services. And if you wanted to listen to music, you had to go to a store and purchase every album individually. We were lucky if we only paid $10 for that album, but it wasn’t uncommon to be charged $15-20. And that was in the 90s.


YouTube music is underrated

Such a cold take I had to put on a sweater

I must be getting old because I still just download my music off of YouTube and store it on my device. I’m not paying to listen to music that I can hear for free on the internet

I don’t understand why there are so many posts (“memes”) complaining that you have to pay for Spotify. Why on earth would music be free?

SpotX, Xmanager etc…dozens of options you can chose

Why is everyone dick sucking Spotify? Like I really don’t care if the billion dollar companies make money, do people actually think about how the company would feel when they buy something?

It could be even better and cheaper if music labels didn’t take the biggest portion of the income. That’s why musicians don’t get much.

Y’all can just download a Spotify APK and have free premium! Android anyways

I love piracy

Free doesn’t mean free

i just download to my device and use wmp on pc, aimp on phone
i don’t discover playlist and only want to listen what i always listen

Well 4 euros a month is really a good price

Well i have premium for free xD

Spotify may be not be the greatest at paying artists. But it’s better than them not being paid because of piracy.
Pay the damn artist for their work.

This year I finally cancelled my subscription. It used to be $9.99 but keeps going up and up. I can’t keep forking over the difference when I’m already going over my budget every month on essentials to live.

All it takes is a bit of web Browning and you can get a permanent 100% “discount”

*laughs in YouTube premium*

I don’t speak ~~poor~~ destitute


Want a break from the ads?

still better than apple music 🤷‍♂️


Apple music ftw

I’ll stick to Pandora

Laughs in Pandora

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