Dictators and Power…

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“… are you all brain dead?”

Yes. Yes they are.

Trump isn’t about limiting the power of government. He’s about consolidating its power so that he alone calls the shots, with zero accountability. He’s only about limiting the power of government to protect or help ordinary people. The power to protect the interests of the wealthy will continue unabated.

Also Gaddafi. The reason Libya is still a no-go zone per the state department’s ratings system is that when he was deposed, the lack of any meaningful civil institutions meant the country was one big power vacuum where chaos and autocracy still reign.

If the government can’t function, it certainly can’t stop me.

Being brain dead is a requirement to be part of MAGA.

Babylon Bee tried to spin it this way earlier and the comments underneath were clearly being made by people who had never encountered a history book in their lives.

You’d think they’d remember Pinochet given how often I see right-wingers invoking his atrocities as le epic dunks on lefties

Saddam Hussain. Who *amazingly* somehow won 99.96% of the vote in 1995.

[Required reading](https://youtu.be/darxphvk058?si=I0HAz3h3Gl5dgvmH)

Should Clockwork Orange these twats with this shit until they get it.

The logical fallacy is that eliminating the career bureaucrats who applied the laws as evenly as possible makes the government less powerful. On the contrary, it enhances the discretionary power of the already-powerful by allowing political appointees to meddle at a more granular level.

The common factor for fascist dictatorships is small government for businesses, big government for individuals.

Literally all of them. That’s what a dictatorship is.

I mean, isn’t it the whole bloody point of a dictatorship to limit the size of the government? The government in a dictatorship is one dude and maybe a handul of advisors. That’s pretty small in size compared to a parliament.
Or am I misunderstanding the question?

This is the end result of 50 years of “we don’t need the humanities” as subjects.

He forgot Putin.

He isn’t working to limit government he is consolidating power. Huge difference.

they really don’t know what consolidation means? thought these were all savvy business types

None of them had a smaller government on their agenda

I’m from Utah and ashamed of this pos. Fuck Mike Lee!

They are Nazis.

“Hitler did not want to make the size of the government smaller; in fact, he significantly expanded the government’s power and control over all aspects of German life, using it to enforce his totalitarian regime and pursue aggressive expansionist policies abroad.”

“No, Mussolini did not advocate for smaller government. Although he sometimes criticized the inefficiencies and weaknesses of parliamentary democracy, his vision for Italy was not one of limited state power.”

“Pinochet promoted a form of “smaller government” in the economic sphere by reducing state intervention in the economy, but his overall political system was far from limited, being characterized by centralized, authoritarian control.”

Don’t forget Franco.

I’ve been getting the “trump would be the first fascist to reduce government” a lot.

Honestly, where did this nonsense originate? It’s clearly being pushed by someone for every idiot maga to be parroting it.

I read Pinocchio! But after reading up on Pinochet, this seems very similar to what maga is trying to

They are, in fact, all brain dead.

Nobody ever talks about Lee Kuan Yew. Who turned Singapore from a poor country to the richest in SEA. IIRC 31 years in power.

Streamlined government, minimal interference in businesses, and promoted low taxes. But often used authoritarian approaches to force progress.

The joke here is that the point of all of this is to root out fraud and make the government smaller and more efficient.

If that was the goal they would pick someone with a history of that instead of a history of the exact opposite of that.

Everyone who actually cares about fraud in the government is already upset about this.

I’ll just leave this here
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We can go ahead and add one more to that list

Yeah but did they actually run on “ cheap eggs “? /s

Yes, they all are.

I can’t be sure, but judging by the way Putin treats people who disagree with him, my guess is Putin is probably on that list.

Narrator: In fact, their brains had been dead for quite some time, and could not reasonably be blamed for any of this.

Who controls the braindead hordes?

They do it in order to have smaller groups they have to control…. America is fucking stupid.

Yes they and their voters are all brain dead with their head up their asses.

Dude forgot the trolls’ favorite “I’ll wait”. Amateur.

Mike Lee is an obtuse son-of-a-bitch.


Are Americans going to French about this?

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