Did they really think they won’t?

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You mean it is not just a coincidence he has been naming the creators of project 2025 into cabinet positions and even had one as a running mate?

Butbutbut… all those republican redditors were telling me that project 2025 was “a discredited democract plot” and “to get out of my echochamber”.

Were they liars or idiots?

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Color me shocked.

All these leopards are gonna be so fat next year.

I keep seeing this story as if it’s some sort of Gotcha to people who were fooled by his denials. There is not one Trump supporter who cares.

The leopards after Jan 20th, 2025:
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Dude Trump was already implementing stuff that is a part of project 2025 in his first term…

Just for the sake of my sanity I never talk politics with my best friend because he’s a Trump supporter, but before the election it did come up once and I felt like a fool because I’m sure I just sounded like a “triggered liberal” when I called Trump a criminal and a rapist. And when I brought up project 2025? His response was simply, “I read about it a little, but I don’t think he’ll do it.” So yes, they simply thought he wouldn’t do it.

Yall gotta quit acting like they cared cause they didn’t.

I was told it was ok that he lied because:
Note: Direct Quotes

“Biden has been lying to the people all along”. “Obama has been running the country this entire time”. “Biden has just been living in the White House to make it look like he has been running this country.”

Nothing I said would convince him. Why is everything a conspiracy theory with all the MAGA support?

This must be the freedom MAGA was promised!

‘Member when Trump supporters said that Project 2025 was a lie made up by Dems and that it was their version of QAnon? I ‘member.

You really think politicians would do that? Just go around telling people lies?

No shit right!!!… Ask yourself, why isn’t Trump being shot at now??? Hummmmmmm

So glad I’m sterilized. Will be looking into a full uterine yeet here shortly.

My favorite kind of people the last month or so are the people who just told us “Trump said he has nothing to do with Project 2025.” Can’t believe I ever doubted notorious truthteller Donald Trump.

I wonder if those fucking idiots have managed to find “tariff” in the dictionary yet.

MAGA: Make America Gullible Again!


For my friends, you will not gotcha these people by bringing this up, there is no amount of reasoning or lying or whatever to shove in their face, they do not give a single fuck what Trump does as long as they are winning and making the decisions. He could execute all their first born babies and it wouldn’t matter. Don’t waste your time trying to gotcha these people with all these shitty policies. The best you can do is position your own personal life and finances to be successful despite the hurdles, the best revenge on these people is succeeding while they fail.

I’m shocked to my very core /s

…Holup. Trump lied to us??

Nah. Fox isn’t covering this. Fake news!!


Wowwww! They’ll be denouncing him any second now right?

I don’t think it really mattered, Trump’s campaign could have told his voters that Project 2025 was great for them and they would have believed him

We tried to tell y’all!

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! /s

Can we arm the media with squirt bottles? Every time they lie,…


Remember when the (hypocritical) Republicans said that a President who would lie to or cheat on their wife would lie to the American people? Inferring that a President who lies to the American people was unacceptable? WHERE ARE THOSE FECKERS NOW?!!!!

What?? But someone I know just told me the Project 2025 thing was debunked??!? How could Trump lie to his voters?!??!?!!

Crazy idea: Banning pornography is on the Project 2025 agenda, so libs should start hoarding porn, especially gay porn, and sell it off to the chuds who found their spank banks suddenly empty.

Duh?! Welcome to Dumbfukistan!

I really hope there is at least just one person who voted for Trump now going wait, I thought they wouldn’t enact the handmaid’s tale playbook.

Zero surprise here

Here’s a question: does anyone who voted for Trump give a shit?

I would love to see the venn diagram of people who are concerned about project 2025 and voted for Trump.

8 years later democrats are still trying to pull the gotcha card as if the Republican have any shame about their double standard or hypocrisy

Make America Gilead Assimilate

We all knew that was coming

No shit.

Good job jack asses who thought otherwise.

The real fun begins when social security is cut.

There have been many people defending the choices saying “They’re just using Project 2025 recommended people, not the policies. They wouldn’t do that.” 🙄

“here’s another bomb for you Marge; I like beer!” – Homer Simpson

I feel really sorry for all the people that are going to be affected by this but … I hope the US becomes the dumpster fire that has been predicted just so all the trumpsters can lie in the bed they made

The shock is not that Donald Trump and the Republicans lie, the shock is that the media and the majority of Americans continue to believe them. That’s beyond stupidity. It’s now a form of nationwide masochism.

No one should be surprised

Republican politicians only act in bad faith to promote their actual awful policies. They lie and project and their followers “believe” every lie to cover for their same awful points of view.

This is scary


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