Did you play your first Pokémon game on a Gameboy or a DS??

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Original Gameboy, Pokemon Red 🙂

Game boy pocket! Pokémon red version.

Gameboy Advance SP – Pokémon Fire Red. Still remember that Christmas morning 🙂

Gameboy colour . Got it and Pokemon blue for my 7th birthday back in 99

Fuck I’m old

I had yellow on the GBC pichu/pikachu special edition that had the battery quality light as one of their cheeks

Mine was Pokemon Ruby for the Gameboy Advance.

Emulated on a pc, until I have a ds for 4th gen

The original gameboy with blue 😂

Waiting for someone to say Switch so I can age into dust.

Yellow on GBC here.

Emulator nation. This is your place.

Gameboy Brick with Pokemon Yellow. Which I played non-stop for so long that when I was gonna heat up some food in the microwave I accidentally put the Gameboy into the microwave instead… It was a sad day.

GBA! Sapphire was my first Pokemon game!

Gameboy Color for my first! I played Crystal

Ds. I was 4 and got Pokémon diamond on release. That was my introduction to Pokémon

Switch for me. Been a fan since I was a kid, but my first Pokemon game was Sword

The brick

I started with Pokémon Blue on a purple Gameboy Color. What a Christmas Day that was for young me!

Pokemon Blue on a Game Boy color… some months later after its release…

Gameboy Color, Silver Version. It was both my first Pokémon game and video game.

LeafGreen on a used DS from the flea market

3ds omega ruby

Brick bronze. I am not even joking, my first experience with Pokemon games was brick bronze on Roblox. My second was ultra sun!

Leaf Green on GBA was my first pkmn game, then Emerald right after. Man, those were the days..

Gameboy emulator for windows

Mother fucker I played my first game on the Gameboy Color. Guess I’ll check myself into the retirement home now…

a Wii lmao (it was one of those ones where you could get gameboy games on a hacked wii, my first game was leaf green)

A friend let me borrow their Gameboy and I tried out Pokémon Ruby for the first time.
Got hooked ever since.

Game Boy Color. Red or Blue (can’t remember which since I was only 6). But the Game Boy Advance is my favorite handheld.

Silver, on a Gameboy color. I was in 1st grade. My mom was a teacher and had confiscated the game and the Gameboy from a kid in 5th grade. I found it in her classroom desk and played it, then hunted the kid down and asked him if I could have it. Turned out she took it from him like a year before that, and he forgot, so he let me keep it. I’ve still got the Gameboy to this day. My very first console 🥹

Played red on a lime green gameboy color.

gameboy micro fire red


Gameboy SP, Pokemon Emerald. Always has a special place in my heart. :3

Clear purple Gameboy Color. Fancy!

Gameboy Color and it was blue. I was so proud of my brother one shotting enemy pokemon. I didn’t understand the lvl-system back then. Neither could i read properly.

I first played Pokémon red on a PC with a very basic emulator in the early 2000’s. Then Gold, then after a long break I finally played my first Pokémon game on an actual console, White on the DS. I loved it.

On an original, plastic fat boy Gameboy without the flip-up screen.

I don’t even recall anything about it since I was still a kid, but I know I played it.

DS! Pokémon Diamond

In a PC. Years later, in a Gameboy Advance.

For Christmas when I was ten me and my brother got game boy colors (mine was lime green) and he got gold and I got silver


Purple see through gameboy color with Pokémon silver.

Game Boy Original, first game was Gold 💛 and I was about 12 years old.

So many good memories, I think I was so enamoured with Eevee that I didn’t evolve it and it was part of my elite 4 team 😅

And I picked Chikorita at first but promptly got BULLIED by the bird gym so reset and chose Totodile 😂


Kiwi GBC with Pokémon Blue, but I was too young. Gold was the one when everything clicked and here i am almost 30 years later!

Golden Pikachu Limited Edition GBA 😎 battery cover broken, left bumper touchy, big scratch on the screen. My baby <3

Red version on my green Gameboy Color!

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