Didn’t tell me where, I wanna be last

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Thanks for your cervix.

That’s 41.6 people per hour. How is that even possible? Lmao

After the 50th guy it must be like sticking your member in a jar of warm mayonnaise

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should

Mhm yeah identity theft

The really sad part is you know she already has the guys lined up 😮‍💨How can you be that DESPERATE

There’s some dirty bastard going down on her mid way I’d put money on it.

You can only get the clap so many times before it becomes the applause.


HIV speed run

I don’t want sloppy 837ths

I wanna be number 1001 and just go face first

If ya ain’t first, yer last.

Isn’t this just the book “Snuff” by Chuck Palahniuk

“Its only smellz” – Her after 12 guys…

Remember. Sharing is caring 🧡

Sloppy one thousandth

Do you want an STD, coz that’s how you’ll get an STD?

each person will get a little under 90~ seconds

Imagine the smell in that room after that…

Roughly .69 men per minute.


But why would a woman do this?

You have my sword


The STDinator

Call me Mr 1000

it’s all fun and games until they bring out a horse

Chuck Palahniuk wrote a book about this exact thing called “Snuff”

Every man has at most 86.4 seconds, assuming no breaks. For me that would be more then enough.

Too bad this is in the UK… Hopefully the next record is set in america

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