Different Spend. Different Objective.

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She really thought she cooked on that one, but she just wound up boiling chicken.

54 billion more on something we already spend trillions on is different than 75 billion on something that people in this country actually need that they currently don’t have access too.

This is what we call in the biz a bad faith argument.

Or they’re just that stupid, it’s genuinely hard to tell with Republicans.

Even if I got 100 dollars every time I saw this, I still couldn’t pay off my student loan debt

Imagine believing military spending is equivalent to a fucking education.

The military blows up money. Education creates money.

Educated people make better soldiers.

Source: I was an Infantry officer for 10 years and worked with a lot of different countries militaries.

Its wild this person can’t tell the difference between educating your citizens and throwing money into defense contractors pockets.

She set herself up. That’s hard to do. Maggots do it with a smirk, however.

Lololololol that’s crazy that she is conflating the two!

On a side note- can I just express how happy I am that clever comebacks is becoming leftist AF. Thank you reddit, for placing this sub on the correct side of things.

I think Amanda might be stupid

Best argument for free college education I’ve ever seen. Our military budget is so insane.

$75 dollars on groceries? When is this meme from, 2014?

My only problem is that you didn’t spend $154 on your samurai sword. Wait, did I not quite get the analogy?

Maybe if it was actually for defense and not for bombing children in other countries this argument would be valid

Amusing to watch my manager get mad at me for leaving 2 minutes early when he had no problem being 20 minutes late

Cheeto saying we need to stop warring with everybody, and then cool with upping bombs and cutting human services.

Touche, that was genius.

Think she would have benefitted from those 75 billion as well.

After watching Russia in Ukraine I feel like we can skip a year of defense spending and be OK

I am worried that i am getting dumber being in this country and I wasn’t that smart to begin with.

And its an additional 54 on top of the already existing 800. The 75 for college is the total amount

conservatives are literally like “lol i buy guns all the time and piss off my wife”, i don’t think this one will land

A samurai sword combined with intermittent fasting is a W.

A samurai sword is high on my list of things I need though. I real one, not a decoration. I need a wandering the waste land righting the wrongs of the world sword.

Honestly though $54 for a samurai sword is a bargain… I can eat ramen.

Conservatives always twisting that truth.

A $54 samurai sword, added to the collection of mall ninja shit I just bought for about $1000.

Education versus the Industrial War Complex… Doesn’t take an economic engineer to figure which is more productive for society.

I’m sure “our side” is guilty of this too, but everything is a false dichotomy with MAGAts. This is one example, of course. Oh you loved Teslas last year but this year you boycott them (still love EVs, just don’t support a specific person who owns the company), sure Trump did X but your guy did Y! (doing a bad thing is always bad, whether or not someone else also did it—and it’s usually orders of magnitude different offenses).

Everyone should be upset about spending without actually having money to spend regardless of administration. Man. The government has gotten away with so much god awful shit. It’s bought by corporations and we keep having to spend more just to barely survive. You should be upset….at our bought off government (both parties).

Hope your fucking weiner kids get drafted and die in a pointless war, Aman-duh!

How is this a clever comeback when education is more of a priority than defense?

faulty analogy

Or when the wife buys 4 bottles that say shampoo on it but insists they all do something different

Sounds like he needs a new wife

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