Love the detail with the dirt covering ‘never and ‘again on the epitaph, showing just “may it rise”
21 days ago
Your comic seems to be missing a “Roman” “*hand gesture*” and *14* flags worth of ~~white supremacy~~ nationalism
Otherwise, pretty spot on!
21 days ago
What is this bullshit? Completely inaccurate!
Hegseth looks sober.
21 days ago
Yah this is very apt. Great observation.Â
21 days ago
Elon standing there, letting others work for him
21 days ago
Was never buried, just festering.
21 days ago
I feel like old uncy Sam needs a big fat wad of cash in his pocket because that cunt didn’t fight for free and the good of the world he made everyone else fucking pay for it, and that’s why they’re loving digging it up now, money. That was only ever the reason.
21 days ago
The US was never against fascism out of any moral reasons. In fact, several nazis have stated that quite a few of their methods were based on the treatment of native Americans in the USA.
They only turned against fascism because it became unpopular after the Nazis.
21 days ago
This is unrealistic, Elon taking a pickaxe, he will just ask someone to do it, and then use taxes money to pay them
21 days ago
My problem with this comic is the label “European fascism” as if fascism is some inherently foreign concept. All the hallmarks of fascism have been a part of American culture for a long, long time. There’s a reason that fascism found fertile ground and popularity in the US prior to WW2, and while our involvement in that war may have made outright fascism and Naziism unfashionable for a time, the underlying cultural and social issues that made it popular in the first place never went away.
The cancer of fascism may have gone into remission, but the rancid tumor was never excised and now we are dealing with its resurgence.
21 days ago
Don’t mean to nitpick but the Nazi swastika is tilted at 45 degrees. Otherwise looks great!
21 days ago
Listen, I know you want to get the point across, but is it necessary to label everyone here with their names? I thought we learned from Ben Garrison to label things sparingly in caricatures. We can guess who these people are by looking at them and using context.
Love the detail with the dirt covering ‘never and ‘again on the epitaph, showing just “may it rise”
Your comic seems to be missing a “Roman” “*hand gesture*” and *14* flags worth of ~~white supremacy~~ nationalism
Otherwise, pretty spot on!
What is this bullshit? Completely inaccurate!
Hegseth looks sober.
Yah this is very apt. Great observation.Â
Elon standing there, letting others work for him
Was never buried, just festering.
I feel like old uncy Sam needs a big fat wad of cash in his pocket because that cunt didn’t fight for free and the good of the world he made everyone else fucking pay for it, and that’s why they’re loving digging it up now, money. That was only ever the reason.
The US was never against fascism out of any moral reasons. In fact, several nazis have stated that quite a few of their methods were based on the treatment of native Americans in the USA.
They only turned against fascism because it became unpopular after the Nazis.
This is unrealistic, Elon taking a pickaxe, he will just ask someone to do it, and then use taxes money to pay them
My problem with this comic is the label “European fascism” as if fascism is some inherently foreign concept. All the hallmarks of fascism have been a part of American culture for a long, long time. There’s a reason that fascism found fertile ground and popularity in the US prior to WW2, and while our involvement in that war may have made outright fascism and Naziism unfashionable for a time, the underlying cultural and social issues that made it popular in the first place never went away.
The cancer of fascism may have gone into remission, but the rancid tumor was never excised and now we are dealing with its resurgence.
Don’t mean to nitpick but the Nazi swastika is tilted at 45 degrees. Otherwise looks great!
Listen, I know you want to get the point across, but is it necessary to label everyone here with their names? I thought we learned from Ben Garrison to label things sparingly in caricatures. We can guess who these people are by looking at them and using context.