Dignity is finally back. USA! USA! USA!

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I’m surprised the amount of Republicans that were fine with President Musk wearing a T-shirt under a suit jacket in the oval office.

I guess it’s just Tan suits that are offensive?

Surprised Trump didnโ€™t have his finger up his nose as well.

โ€œ20 buck says the kid eats itโ€

โ€œYouโ€™re onโ€

rooting around for that Neuralink chip his daddy had a 19 year old engineer place in his skull at birth

Leave Elonโ€™s little human shield that heโ€™s only recently acknowledged even exists alone! I mean honestly, thatโ€™s just what kids do.

Of course it also wouldnโ€™t be on national display in the Oval Office if his dad wasnโ€™t a huge piece of shit in the first place.

I mean who among us HASNโ€™T needed the killing of a healthcare ceo to occur before pretending to be a parent?! /s

Drill baby drill!

Why is Elons bullet shield better dressed than he is?

Thought the Orange One was a germophobe?

What other non elected, non vetted, non Senate confirmed person has ever given a speech behind the Resolute Desk?!

The kid is the most dignified person that has been in that office this month.
Oh, and the cleaning staff.

Nothing projects power like an old senile man sitting subserviently, while a kid picks his nose. What a disgrace.

Have some decorum, Human Shield Musk

This is a mockery of something the world once respected.

The Cuck in Chief clearly wasn’t happy the kid was there, but knew he couldn’t do anything about it because Musk owns him

Greg Stillson for president.ย 

I just hope he wipes the booger on Donald Dumpsterfire.

The world is LAUGHING at us.

Good job everyone who was an undecided voter. Fuck you very very much.

Disgusting child. Cute kid though.

This is so embarrassing for him. The image of Elon hovering over him like an evil kingโ€™s hand is genuinely spooky

Don’t pick on kids, they didn’t ask to have his DNA

A booger in the oval office, that’s a perfect metaphor

Donโ€™t know why youโ€™re all laughing. Snot funny.

That’s a kid doing kid things.

Emeld miners gone emerald mine.

Well you joke, but actually a booger-picking child at the President’s desk is par for the course of a Trump admin

Hahahahaahaha. This made my day!!! I hope this gets shared as much as the Leon jumping pic.

[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ewDXMCCyZs) is the video of this. He eats it.

How does it now absolutely sicken the older folk that he is using his child as a human shield? I guess they would be more upset at him bringing his kid to work and him sticking his fingers up in his face while heโ€™s talking about supposedly serious topics LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON

Finally a good pick in the Oval Office.

10 bucks says the Smails kid eats it.

Not finding one in these gif options, and can’t share an image, but this kid has a striking resemblance, in attitude and energy, to the Hitler kid in “Eurotrip”

Note: It’s not about the kid himself, he doesn’t know anything, it’s the shithawk adults around him that we’re jabbing

Bring your human shield to work day

Okay, where’s this t-shirt available?

Trump: You gonna eat that orโ€ฆ. Can I get it? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

A child should be nowhere near a convicted felon whose frequently visited a pedo island to visit his child trafficking friend

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