Discriminatory treatment!

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Simply more proof that Luigi is on the side of right.


America, where exercising your 1A right as a pleb is a much graver offense than being a heartless puppet of the PIC who has a fancy job.

ETA: to correct the allegations against the judge

Yet Shitty Witty can deem a lifesaving treatment or care, “unnecessary care”, have that person die from being denied and get away with it…
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Something tells me an American revolution is gonna happen. The middle and poor class are going to have an uprising when things get worse in 4 years.

Is there a fund for her?

I hope Biden gives her a preemptive pardon, then.

That’s pretty sick

To edit: wtf is about to happen here? This, clearly, is not what someone in the greatest democracy on earth, is about to fucking just “eat”? Wtf is fucking wrong here. This is CLEAR INJUSTICE wtf more is there to be mf unfolded here? Is your next president a rapist? Yes. Yes, he is.
Is this woman completely innocent? ALSO YES.

he got out!? what the fuck?!

Yeah, but those kids were poor so fuck em. Poor people don’t matter in America.

The “justice system” hasn’t been about justice for a very long time.

I mean, he was convicted of fraud, money laundering and racketeering not trafficking kids. If we are going to make statements at least state the facts.

I’m not a lawyer but I feel like this should be a slam dunk case for the defense, she said naughty things, okay? But in this America, a billion dollar corporation is more important

Reading the facts about that poor woman’s case really shines a light on how truly corrupt our legal system is. There is no way they’d ever be able to get a jury to convict her. It’s a joke that she was even charged to begin with. It is so clear that the executives for that insurance company used their money and power to have this poor innocent woman arrested to make an example out of her

Oh what the hell. I thought Boston had been released without charges because that’s how she was showing up on the Polk County website. Apparently they’re just [slow to update their website](https://www.polksheriff.org/inmate-profile/2435323?fbclid=IwY2xjawHNciNleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHeI0Fpb7VdbyxecvtutZdn7SBoeYE-8hJpaw3D5pUVBYXLUOtAXEa5gwOg_aem_PFGlHLUxOvSTSQDtjAWEcg). This is accurate: she’s under house arrest facing bullshit charges (that, hopefully, any half-competent defense attorney can get thrown out on the basis of the law under which she was charged explicitly excluding vocal utterances – literally in the statute title: WRITTEN threat).

Surprise surprise you get arrested for threatening to kill someone. I’m astonished.

This is unbelievable, I am so scared as to how things are becoming in this country.

Yeah, but Judge Conahan is a millionaire, so…


Do we know if she definitely said “you’re next”? I heard at first it was just the three D-words and this is the first time I’ve seen someone mention the rest – which unfortunately does make it sound more like a threat, but if they’re making it up I can totally see that as well to justify their arrest.

Just look to our new upcoming government with the billionaires running the show. It’s going to be a tough 4 years and the working class is going to be the poor class when trump is through with us. Oh I mean Elon is done with us.

I remember after the rittenhouse incident he somehow did nothing wrong but also saying that you would emulate him was a life threat.

It’s not left vs right or black vs white. It’s rich vs poor.

No war but class war.


3D. Write it everywhere.

Not sure how threatening underpaid call center workers is furthering the “revolution.”

This is just a random Karen who probably got their ozympic denied and thinks that she’s in the right about threatening someone who had absolutely no hand in the decision.

She deserves the charges. You can’t threaten someone like that. The same way you can’t yell fire in a theater. It’s not a free speech issue.

Luigi is a real late dark horse candidate for white boi of the year.


Correct. In America, “law” is only applied as is convenient to a select wealthy few, while it is maintained as a perpetual threat against the rest of us. This was recently affirmed by a slim majority of the American electorate, and so is simply how things work here.

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” — George Carlin

Frankly, after what we’ve had to endure at the hands of criminal republicans since reagan, and they have the nerve to complain now about ANYTHING -I don’t GAF what Biden does. I don’t care who he pardons. He was treated horribly by everyone, including his own fucking political party. He wasn’t given his due, and he did some pretty spectacular things for America after trump was ousted.

And now some feeble-minded complainers voted for him again, but wanna complain complain complain about Biden.

I don’t care. Go suck an egg.

News flash in case any of you guys forgot. WE AINT FREE. WE LIVE IN AN OLIGARCHY.


🎶Ain’t that America🎶

That truly was a sickening pardon by Biden. I genuinely dont understand that one.

america sucks dick

You don’t go around threatening companies, they are people. /s

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