Disgrace to his family and the nation! Said the worm! Also has receipts….

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Technically Congress created it and JFK signed the bill.

We need to make this distinction anymore because to MAGA fools if JFK “created” it then surely Trump can destroy it.

No. That is the job of Congress.

The president is not a dictator.

EDIT, for clarity:

Congress passed a bill in 1961 establishing that an office of foreign aid was required.

An executive order of JFK carried out that law vis a vis USAID. (This put several different and previous foreign aid offices all under one roof).

Imagine willfully destroying your country’s soft power around the globe and calling it a win.


His family has been open about how disgraced they are by him.

Are you sure he said that because I can’t understand a goddamn thing coming out of his mouth

He’s a trashbag

They just love to throw words around don’t they. Doesn’t’t even matter if the words go together, they just spew shit.

Translation: We are going to become sinister propagators of totalitari#m and war across the globe.

Everything’s either projection or a confession.

PS: USAID should’ve been merged with UN agencies anyway, so let’s not glorify US soft power too much.

He sold his soul to the devil. Of course he’s going to dismantle his uncle’s legacy

Well I hate to say this and it’s profound to get downvoted but USAID is a cover organization that does great things for needy people, but also is how we pass intelligence and move agents and operators, so it’s still something we need to

Honest question: whether you’re left or right, how many people heard of USAID 3 months ago? No all of a sudden we’re all experts on it.

You should read into why it’s being dismantled. You don’t have to be a Kennedy to figure that out.

Just because something was beautiful when it started doesn’t mean it didn’t become corrupted and ugly through time.

All these things can be true at the same time:

* USAID was created with great intentions
* RFK Jr. is a disgrace and wrong about many things
* RFK is right about USAID being corrupt now

Kennedy would have put a bullet in his own head if he knew what it became.


He’s a deranged corpse reanimated by the brain worm.
Despite being chemically ripped to “fight aging”, the dude looks as old as Trump.

oh gosh, his cousin had an honest interview that was scathing towards him and his illness & lack of abilities ..

“The president is not a dictator.”
Isn’t stopping the POS from trying.

You could be really wrong on this

What a disgrace it became after JFK.

Piece of shit.

USAID 64 years ago and USAID today have little in common.

If he’s such a “credit to his family”, explain why Caroline Kennedy, her son, and his siblings warned us all that he is an absolute insane person.

Yeah hez a total disgrace for dismantling something that’s been bastardized and twisted from an actually good system into a money laundering scheme. Read the details for once you clowns

Did he really say that though? Cos I don’t understand a word he mumbles.

So because he disagrees with an ancestor means he is a disgrace???? Lol

His ignorance is truly breathtaking.

When it first started out, ya, im sure it was great. Then the scum bags came in, abused the shit out of it.
We need change and aid has many problems. See what they will have to say.
Get your pop corn out.

USAID is a far cry from what JFK envisioned.

It turned into a giant mess anyway. It was time to go

Agreed, JFK was an embarrassment and one of the worst presidents of the 20th century

If something is broken and wasteful why is it bad to fix it? Serious question

disgrace as a human

Or just maybe, when USAID was created, it was a good idea. But then, overtime it transformed into a money laundering scheme for the democrats.

You people that stupid?

Try telling that to the farmers of America

EO 10973, looks like you’re incorrect.

They aren’t related..

RFK is dead, and his corpse is being paraded around by the brain worms 😂

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Did this guy get dropped on his head as a kid? Something is very, very wrong with him.

Wait until you hear what his uncle thought about AIPAC


his pwn father would spit on him


He is a fucking foul human

Bobby Brainworm

Imagine if people could just focus on facts rather than making hyperbolic statements every time they speak.

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