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Tammy Duckworth is fantastic. She is a badass vet and a straightforward politician in a very unserious time.

We need more folks like her.

None of Trumps picks are qualified


He should be a soap opera star, maybe a fake doctor that harasses hot nurses

I don’t know what’s worse about this…this dude mistaking ‘ASEAN’ for ‘Asia’, or this dude thinking Australia is part of Asia….

Sadly, considering none of the Republicans asked him questions yesterday he’ll likely be confirmed. Let’s all raise a glass. ^/s

The rich are going to have a great 4 years. Some normal people’s lives are going to get better. Most people’s lives are going to get worse.

Just like Trump’s first term, this one is going to be nothing but incompetence. Incompetence that religious conservatives love to celebrate given their own as well.

This drunk couldn’t find Japan on a map.

Imagine how stupid an average person is.

Then imagine that everyone Trump picks are dumber than the average person.

Must be a republican.
Zero knowledge
Zero intelligence
Zero qualifications

She didn’t even need to be clever to publically embarrass this Fox News talking head.

Ah yes. Australia. My favorite southeast Asian country.

He can’t even find the g spot.

This was a roasting not a hearing, I was expecting Nikky Glaser to pop out at any moment.

The answer should be 10

Is there such a thing as ‘overstupid’ ?

We are so fucked

Yikes. That whole interview is fucking brutal and rightfully so. Politics aside, dude is just an ass and is not qualified.

Also when asked “would he follow an illegal order” he didn’t answer the question instead saying “Trump would never give an illegal order” Meanwhile the republicans didn’t ask him any real questions but instead insisted he be approved immediately.

He might nuke someone by accident.

I had to look that up, but i am not in the running for Secratary of Defense. As all of Trumps cabinet picks, he is completely unqualified. That is not going to stop the GOP from approving him though!

It’s not so much a cabinet as it is a junk drawer.

He’s a DEI hire but for White guys not qualified for anything.

It was embarrassing to watch clips of his hearing. But he will be confirmed and our democracy will be screwed from within due to all the spineless, sycophantic GOP senators. No leadership. No independent thought. No debate. Just going through the motions. What a big joke, waste of time and taxpayer money.

Should be unanimously rejected due to be unqualified and a dangerous pick. But it’s the GOP so he’ll be approved.

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