Do your part

By kchoyin
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but if we end hunger who will play hunger games

You donate $20, they collect it, send it to charity with their name on it, take both the credit and the tax write off.

Greedy rich people never stop sucking the poorโ€™s pockets

The only one I donate to is rounding up for Ronald McDonald house.

Yes they own it and I’m sure enjoy some great tax breaks for running it, but they actually do help families going through some of the most difficult times of their lives.

I’m forever grateful they opened up their doors for us when my son was in the NICU

Jesus, everyone is so cynical and misinformed these days.

I used to work doing point-of-sale tech consulting, specifically related to non-profits. The store that asks you for a donation does not get a tax credit or any type of financial benefit for your donation. You, the donator, can write it off your taxes, the store cannot.

Every instance I ever worked on, the store was *also* making a large donation of their own in conjunction with the donation requests. Usually it was a set cash donation, sometimes they would match what was donated, or sometimes they would donate goods from the store. It also sometimes involved a volunteer drive within the store’s employees.

If you don’t want to donate, just don’t. But the store is doing a good thing both by making their own donation and by making it easy for others to donate as well.

There should be a reverse UNO for this where you ask the grocery chain to donate to you ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10743)![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10743)![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10751)


Jesus christ. Your donation is not used for a tax break for them. That’s not how this works unless they’re getting creative with their accounting (read: doing illegal shit).

They should be required to 5X it or not allowed to prompt us.

Don’t forget to tip the machine also for the great service you provided to yourself.

I just said this to a hovering clerk yesterday! I always say this when they’re looking at me like I don’t care about their cause – let the giant rich company donate instead of asking customers

They’d like to donate your money for the tax write-off.
That is all. That’s the scam.

The money gets donated either way, but now they can use your donation to pay less taxes, so it turns into profit for them. Even if your full donation actually does go to charity.

Most people wouldn’t bother to put a small donation of a dollar or two on their tax returns for a charity deductible – but large scale business have systems in place for it.

Because using part of the earn money as donation reduce tax percenteages

I hate those too, also asking for tips when you taking out food is way too much begging .

The companies get to pay less tax based on how much donatikn they collect from people. Does your money help? Yes. Does your money work as a tool to reduce corporation tax? Yes. Hence why pretty much all companies are charitable.

I also like the fact they collect donations, then donate the money, get the credit and i’m assuming a tax break

Cos corporate wants to throw guilt card at you to get ur easy 20$ in their pocket for nothing


90% of charities are scams anyway, grocery store charities are super scams.

They get the tax write off and the people who need it never get the money.

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Most people donโ€™t know thisโ€”but itโ€™s more insidious and fโ€™ed up than that. The corporations make large scale donations to charities in order to get a tax break, say they donate 10mm, they may get a 10mm (or less dependent) break on their taxes, so the donation essentially costs them nothing. They then ask for your โ€œdonationโ€ which actually just goes towards covering THEIR OWN DONATION. So they actual turn a profit on you โ€œdonating to starving childrenโ€. The most wildly fucked and unspeakably American shit ever.

Besides, most of the money they raise ends up bribing / going to the corrupt governments in those nations anyways, barely any of it actually goes to the people that you think you’re helping.

same thing when i am watching an NFL game and they say something like LaSalle Bank will donate $300 for every field goal made. like wha? not even a good tax deduction amount?

I do not donate to the poor, I am the poor!

Roundup my paycheck

I feel the same way about this sham when I am at a Las Vegas casino. Why donโ€™t they donate 1% of their yearly profits and just pay me what I won.

The only one that I have actually donated to is the one from CVS that goes into an account to help people pay for meds…I know bc when I did have a job and no insurance it did in fact help me a lot

And that’s a hell no from me, every single time.

Why did I read this in Leonard Hofstetter’s voice?

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