Does anyone else think a daily briefing would be helpful?

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Will the media bother to report on this?

Anybody but Hakeem and Chuck. Somebody with passion and a pulse.

Buttitiege is an excellent choice because Fox viewers like him. I believe some Fox viewers would tune in once they feel the pain of Trump’s actions.

Buttigieg would be great. He’s articulate and has good energy.

Exactly!! I’ve been saying this too. Do it 2 hours after the White House one. Invite all the press kicked out of the White House. 

As I said yesterday in reply to a similar post: “Monthly? Daily more like. Treat it like an election campaign and bombard TV, streaming channels, sports radio, everything. Get it out there just like they did before the election. And I don’t mean shit with Liz Cheney, they need hard hitting, simple, sound-bite stuff. Not Schumer and Jeffries waffling…”

Maybe we wouldn’t be in the position we are in if Democrat leadership was better at messaging. The fact this question has to be asked is a symptom of the problem. This is the same party where the previous president had major legislative accomplishments, but most people aren’t aware of them. So YES do daily press briefings!

Good idea.

I’d love to see Pete do this, wish they did it during biden tho

Yes. At the bare minimum.

This is an excellent idea.

Or, tune in to the people already doing this. Heather Cox Richardson is doing an excellent job chronicling history as it happens. There are others.

The issue is, “who will listen?” There is a wall up around every MAGA mind.

Yes but they also need to do quick sound bite face/memes and push those out via social to people. Because a lot of people no longer watch MSM and Dems need to play this social game better.

Yes! It will force traditional media to give equal time and it will give sound bites for SM, so just maybe the Dems can take back some of the messaging advantage the GOP has built.

Dems need to stop giving up their power, just because they aren’t in power. Daily Briefings, Shadow Gov’t, something to show they aren’t just giving up.

Dems need to grow some balls and stop genuflecting. That would be a good start.


Doing something would be cool

Anything more than what we’re getting would be welcome!

If you’re going to do it, Pete B is the best person for the job.

It would be good for tracking the bullshit daily but it won’t change a single Trump magats mind.

They immune to reason and logic. They do shit like defend nazis who say they are nazis by saying maybe they don’t really mean it.

Just fuck anyone supporting this facist regime.

You just can’t reach them.

Would people watch the daily briefing? Do they watch the ones that are already happening?

I actually don’t. What the GOP is doing right now is a tactic Steve Bannon calls “flooding the zone.” They’re doing so much horrendous shit so quickly that the media can’t keep up and people can’t orient themselves in opposition.

What people should be doing is picking a specific area of governance and focusing on it. Avoid the fatigue by focusing on your chosen issue. If the party wants to message effectively using this approach, we need *several* distinct people taking point on specific issues. Don’t put Pete on a stage – have specific Congressional Democrats focus on areas related to their current or prior committee assignments and issues they’ve successfully campaigned on in the past.

I would love to see this.

Yes it would be very helpful. Dems need to centralize their message and broadcast it loud and clear.

Raise his profile even more.

Maybe it’s time Obama came out of hibernation. I know Presidents don’t like to do this, but these times are extreme.

Yup! If the traditional media won’t report it, do a livestream on Youtube or whatever. Get the news out and push a counter narrative. Give people a source to watch and follow, and they will. Have Pete or AOC sit down and just say “this is what Trump did, here’s how it will negatively affect you”.

Do something, ANYTHING

Yes. Do something. Do anything. Right now the Dems look like… never mind. They don’t look like anything. They are invisible, incompetent and impotent.


You wont be able to watch it. The only way I new the protests were going on was what I was finding posted here. Not the news

I 100% support and need this. Right now it looks and feels like they’re doing nothing. I know they’re doing stuff, but unless you’re constantly on YouTube watching certain creators, no one will ever know 

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